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Bavarian MGD Sufferer

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  • Bavarian MGD Sufferer

    Hello, I am 22 years old and suffering from MGD (3 years now)

    My mother tongue is not English, so sorry for my mistakes.

    From Age 0 to 19 i never have problems with my eyes, but the last years wars really horrible. Suddenly my glands get blocked, without any cause. Special the lower glands.

    I try everything, Cortison, Azyter, Doxycyclin, Lipiflow, Probing, Gland Paddle, allergic drops, ciclosporin, blephex, accupuncture, goji beeren, triphala, nac, other fruits... nothing really work, only ciclo a little bit. And especially curcumin/green tea, ginger, i think these stuff reduce the inflammation.

    Inflammation is my biggest problem.

    I visit 15 doctors, all said the same, its chronical you must drop bla bla.
    Every doc says, yout must do warm compresses, but it brings really nothing... the eyes geht even worse.

    The problem is that the meibum is so incredbile hard, even with a paddle the meibum cant get expressed out.
    On every single gland is a big yellow point, its look like meibomitits.

    I would be happy if somebody have some advices for me...

    Best regards

    PS: I have created a small Blog about my dry eye journey. I think Google can automatically translate the german words. (

  • #2
    DO you also have rashes on your face?
    Have you done lipiview to see the shape of your galnds?


    • #3
      Yeah, do you have red spots/patches on your face? Did you ever use acne medication (accutane)? Do you snore or sleep on your stomach/side? Has anyone ever told you, you sleep with your eyes open.

      When i I had blocked glands, I needed steroids and azyter to reduce the inflammation so that I could use the compress. My oil was described as toothpaste, but candle wax is a better description. It took A LOT of heat to melt it, and without the steroids, the compress just made it worse, like you said. However, it was the only way around that was steroids. Do you respond to steroids right away and then the glands cap as soon as you stop the steroids? Or do you not respond at all?

      Your english is better than most Americans lol, well done!


      • #4
        Have you tried IPL? How long were you on Azyter?


        • #5
          I have no rosacea etc and I never use acne medication. I have tried IPL, but the german docs dont express the glands, so it was very ineffective.

          Which steroids exactly do you mean?


          • #6
            Azyter is not a steriod, its topical azithromycin . It's really good at flushing out and liquifying the glands.

            IPL can be helpful even if u dont have rosacea, there's various IPL protocol out there, make sure you do the one that is good for MGD. How many sessions did you do? Make sure you do upper and lower lids for IPL.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Hochstaufen View Post
              I have no rosacea etc and I never use acne medication. I have tried IPL, but the german docs dont express the glands, so it was very ineffective.

              Which steroids exactly do you mean?
              Lotoprednol, fluoxymethylone, methylprednisone, etc. they reduce inflammation and allow the eyes to heal.


              • #8
                The problem is that the meibum is so incredbile hard, even with a paddle the meibum cant get expressed out.
                On every single gland is a big yellow point, its look like meibomitits. [/QUOTE]
                You need a doctor who can remove hard secretation. How long such condition has been?
                Keep trying. Good luck!


                • #9
                  My glands are blocked for 2,5-3 years now. (but my situation is in at the moment ok, i found some relief... ikervis, diet, etc.)

                  In Germany doc´s dont have paddles, they express with q-tip. ("express" )

                  So I have bought my own one, when you scroll down on these site, you will see the paddle. (ebay uk, made in Asia)

         (scroll down)


                  • #10
                    did you wash your eyelids with tea tree oil or sulphur soap?


                    • #11
                      I have tried Cliradex and Naviblef, that work a little bit.

