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Thank you DEZ'ers! And my story...

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  • Thank you DEZ'ers! And my story...

    Hey DEZ'ers!
    My name is Michael. I'm am 22 years old and currently living in Israel.

    I am a 3 year post Lasik dry eye sufferer.
    Before I get to my story, I want to start off by deeply thanking all of you on this amazing forum. I have been spending much time on the forum for the past 6 months reading up on many of the amazing threads here.
    You guys have really been an inspiration to me. You've provided me with a sense of community. Knowing I'm not alone has been a huge thing for me emotionally. There were and still are times where I get really down, and the only thing that would give me a slight boost of hope would be reading some encouraging posts here.
    I feel much more in control of my situation ever since I've discovered DEZ, and much more educated about my condition and treatment options. Heck, many of you are way more knowledgable about dry eye than the average ophthalmologist.
    So again, thanks a million! I also want to give a huge thanks to Rebecca, who runs this entire operation.

    Now to my story:
    3 years ago [Feb 2012], I underwent LASIK to correct my hyperopic vision: +5.25 in my right eye and +5.75 with -0.75 astigmatism in my left. I had worn soft contacts for 2 years prior to the surgery and didn’t experience any significant dry eye symptoms, although my eyes only tolerated the most breathable of types. My visual outcome was quite good, and has remained quite good thankfully (slight regression in my left eye)

    Things were good for a few months, until I began experiencing some dryness and lid inflammation. I went back to my surgeon, who gave me some artificial tears and told me not to worry. Ever since, I’ve been battling my dry eye. I have had better periods and worse periods, and have been to numerous ophthalmologist trying numerous treatments. My main, most problematic symptoms are:
    - Puffy dry eyes in the morning: this is the worst part. It takes my eyes a good 2-3 hours to recuperate in the morning, and I experienced significant discomfort. Not to mention I look like I have been punched in the eyes over night [just ordered the "EyeSeals", hoping they will help]
    - Trouble with any type of focusing: reading [close to impossible], watching tv or working on a computer results in excessive tearing, burning, blurring and heavy inflamed lids [just ordered some cheap moisture chambers, hoping they will help]
    - Heavy inflamed eyelids: my eyelids feel inflamed and heavy for large portions of the day. It feels as though my eyelid muscles are stretching and working way to hard to keep them up which causes headaches - especially in my left eye, where my top lid is actually visibly lower at times.
    - White stringy mucus discharge: constant build up of discharge in the inner corner of eyelids, constant need to “fish” it out.
    - Oily tear film - it seems as though my tear film is too oily. I constantly have to force blink, really blink hard to spread out the tear film.

    Aside for these I have all the usual dry eye symptoms: light sensitivity, scratchiness, foreign body sensation, sensitivity to wind and dry climates and so on. I’m sure you know the drill.

    I have been to many ophthalmologists here in Israel, yet haven't gotten any concrete diagnosis or any viable treatment. My diagnosis has varied from dry eye (no specification of type), blepharitis and allergies. I had allergy testing done and I have none. Haven't had any of the proper basic testing done (TBUT, Schirmers etc) because it does not seem like they even have them here, so I do not have a clear idea of what exact variation of dry eye I have.
    Quite astounded by the inadequacy of the doctors I've been too, as I've discovered many of you have had the same kind of experience.

    These are the treatments I have tried [most of which were self subscribed. I have helped myself through online research and the DEZ far more than any ophthalmologist has so far]:
    - Artificial tears: tried many many different brands, including PF, only offering minor short term comfort at best. Most brands actually exasperate the problem.
    - Anti histamine drops: no noticeable improvement.
    - Night Gels: made things worse.
    - Restasis: went on it for 5 months during the first year, and have been on it again for the past 5 months. I’m not quite sure if it’s helping, I kinda take it on faith.
    - Lower [temporary] punctual plugs: no noticeable improvement.
    - Steroid drops [Lotemax]: went on it for a few 2-3 week periods. Provided significant relief while on it.
    - Fish oil/Flax oil supplements: minor improvement.
    - Warm compresses: minor improvement.
    - Lid scrubs: minor improvement.

    I have kinda self diagnosed myself with MGD. it seems to fit best. My eyes do water a lot, so i don't think I have much of an aqueous deficiency. Much of the problem seems to be in the eyelids, which also points to blepharitis and MGD. Also, the treatments targeted for MGD seem to have made more of a difference than of AD.
    Would love to get your input on this though.

    I'm am moving to the states in a few months and hopefully will be able to properly tackle this unfortunate situation. Treatment options here seem to be very limited. There are many treatments I've discovered on this forum that sound very promising: LipiFlow, IPL, Probing, Serum drops, Scleral lenses, etc.

    So that's it. Happy to finally be a member here at DEZ.
    Would love to get your input on my situation. Treatment recommendations would gladly be accepted as well
    Feel free to ask any questions you might have.

    Kind Regards,

  • #2
    Hello M!

    Hope you are doing better.

    I don't have good advises... also because my english is really bad.
    Just some sugestions... Are you taking any meds (like antidepressants)? Have you heard about sceral lenses? I read someone saying that they help with morning eye problems. Is like a bónus situation from using it )

    Also since you are in Israel... that a look at this:

    Seems that Moshe is from Israel. Maybe you can contact him and he knows a good eye doctor!

    Wish you all the best!

    And happy happy new year!


    • #3
      Originally posted by RFREITAS View Post
      Hello M!

      Hope you are doing better.

      I don't have good advises... also because my english is really bad.
      Just some sugestions... Are you taking any meds (like antidepressants)? Have you heard about sceral lenses? I read someone saying that they help with morning eye problems. Is like a bónus situation from using it )

      Also since you are in Israel... that a look at this:

      Seems that Moshe is from Israel. Maybe you can contact him and he knows a good eye doctor!

      Wish you all the best!

      And happy happy new year!
      Hey RFREITAS!
      Thanks for the reply.

      I am not on any meds aside from eye stuff.
      I have heard of Sclerals, did a lot of research on Dr G's sclerals in Dallas. Seriously considering it as an option.

      Not quite sure what Moshe you are referring to.

      Happy new year to you too!!


      • #4
        Hi there! This is just a stab in the dark but I found a swipe of olive oil under my eyes worked way better then any eye drops I ever used. I just put it not touching my eyes but under my eye 'bags' while I am getting ready in the morning and wipe it off when I am heading out, it seems to offer alot of relief to me as the oils that get into your eyes sooth the dry eyes and are longer lasting then eye drops.

        I have also been advised to use a high quality fish oil and vitamin d drops. I am sure you have heard of the fish oils, but make sure you are using a good quality one. Also vitamin D drops are supposed to reduce inflammation in the body.

        It seems to me through all the trail and error of things I am doing the quality of vitamins you use really do make a difference, and the form.

        Just a few ideas if you want to try something new- good luck!


        • #5
          I heard good things about vitamin D.
          But when I took it I felt lots of dry mouth... so I stopped! But I going to take another blood test to see how my levels are.

          About Moshe, he is scientits. Look at his profile:

          I am just suggesting that maybe he have a good suggestion about a eye doctor in Israel.

          About the sceral, maybe you can try it in Israel:

          Before consider a trip to the US.

          Good luck!


          • #6
            Originally posted by BeckaG View Post
            Hi there! This is just a stab in the dark but I found a swipe of olive oil under my eyes worked way better then any eye drops I ever used. I just put it not touching my eyes but under my eye 'bags' while I am getting ready in the morning and wipe it off when I am heading out, it seems to offer alot of relief to me as the oils that get into your eyes sooth the dry eyes and are longer lasting then eye drops.

            I have also been advised to use a high quality fish oil and vitamin d drops. I am sure you have heard of the fish oils, but make sure you are using a good quality one. Also vitamin D drops are supposed to reduce inflammation in the body.

            It seems to me through all the trail and error of things I am doing the quality of vitamins you use really do make a difference, and the form.

            Just a few ideas if you want to try something new- good luck!
            Thanks for the info!
            Will definitely check out olive oil.

            I've been taking "TheraTears" Omega 3 supplements for 4 months or so. Not quite sure if it's doing anything.

