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new kid on the block - searching

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  • new kid on the block - searching

    Hi, everyone, I'm just joining up after doing a bit of lurking and liking what I see - seems like a good source for info and support.
    That said, I'm one of the fortunate ones, don't have pain, or extreme dryness, just watery eye. Opthalmo said I had dry eyes 2 years ago, just use drops. That hasn't worked, but hasn't gotten worse. Did have conjunctivitis a few months back, but it cleared up. Read somewhere to try castor oil, since that was a major part of Restavis, but that got me a nasolacrimal infection, which cleared right up with oral antibiotics and ointment. When I started doing the 3 step lid therapy, the watering improved, but not gone. I do the 3 steps morning and night, but get mucus strings toward evening. My doc isn't very inventive about treatments, I think he just refers folks to other docs, but my own diagnosis is blepharitis and MGD. I did notice Rebecca's reply to Rocklobster where she recommended trying just saline rinse and maybe cold compresses, so am going to get some saline, but wondered if you can just use regular saline, or does it have to be opthalmic? Also, I have been using the ointment that I got for the infection, which is erythromycin ointment - does anyone know if there is a danger in long-term use of this? Seems like it keeps the watering down better than just the regular ointment.
    So, that's me - nice to meet you. Do I need to bring doughnuts?

  • #2
    Use the saline from the drug store in the contact lens aisle. I think the non-preserved is preferred because dry eyes are automatically sensitive to everything, including preservatives. Since it has no preservative in it, pay careful attention to the storage/expiration instructions.

    I wouldn't think antibiotic ointments are meant to be used long term, so you should ask your doctor. Best of luck.


    • #3
      I'll do that - thanks. I tried just the "eye wash" tonight and washed lots of mucus out of my eye - that sure works better than the way I was getting it out, with a kleenex and kind of dragging it out.


      • #4
        Glad to hear that is working. I used to use the sterile eye wash at my eye doctor's office to flush out all the dye that they put in your eyes to check the pressure and tear breakup time. It worked, because my eyes are too sensitive for even saline sometimes.

