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New Member - My Eye Problems

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  • New Member - My Eye Problems

    Hello, my user name is tired_eyes, because my main problem is how extremely tired my eyes are in the morning. It paralyzes me and keeps me from jumping out of bed in the morning. Drops, drops, drops - those help, but don't solve my tired eyes. I just started trying one kind with mineral oil, when I wake up. I also use an ointment before I go to sleep. Even with the ointment, I still wake up with tired eyes, but they do lessen the blow.

    Here's what I've also dealt with: drafts, fans, and wind bother my eyes so much that they burn and tear up. I'm very sensitive to bright lights. Without sunglasses, I have to squint so much that I'm practically closing my eyes. I used to be soooo itchy on the ledge of my eyelids (next to my eyelashes) where the meibomian glands are located. I had to scratch it or I would go insane, so of course it was with an unclean fingernail. Scratching gave some sort of relief. I figured it was allergies, but now I wonder if it was because my meibomian glands were getting clogged. Fast forward, many years later and I'm not as itchy as I was. My eye doctor, for the last two years has been telling me that my meibomian glands are clogged. I've tried her suggestions: warm compresses, eye massage to expel fluid or (toothpaste-like substance) from my glands, and anti-biotics. Well - I haven't been able to extract anything. I wonder if I'm doing it wrong or if my glands are totally clogged.

    I have an appointment, this Tuesday, to get my eyes evaluated and to see if I qualify for the LipiFlow. I'm doubtful, because I read that I should have some glands that can get extracted. If they are clogged, will the machine be able to warm up the lipid so well that the plug can come loose? To me, the glands sound like a pimple. Oil, dirt, and dead cells get in and cause a plug. On this discussion board, I learned about probing. To me that sounds logical, because a needle opens up the glands. However, I read that it doesn't last very long. I wonder if that's because of the patients' upkeep.

    I haven't tried eyelid scrubs. I didn't know about them until recently. Also, there's an antibiotic to put on the lids, that interest me. I'll keep you all posted after my appointment.