Alix Hi! Okay i understand thank you. I am sorry to hear that you don't have that many glands left but "good" that you know your state early on. Don't know if you have mentioned it but was your condition also what you think triggered by computer/screens?
I will try it with the Q-tip after the warm compresses, i have nothing to loose as the current method is not doing anything for me
Yes it is strange, i emailed him today asking whether or not he knows the status on my glands and if no they have the tools for doing a meibography. Hopefully it will lead me in some sort of direction.
Otherwise i saw that the clinic in Oslo offered this service so that feels comfortable. Yes it really fills me with hope visiting their home page, so glad you mentioned this clinic to me.
I will try it with the Q-tip after the warm compresses, i have nothing to loose as the current method is not doing anything for me

Otherwise i saw that the clinic in Oslo offered this service so that feels comfortable. Yes it really fills me with hope visiting their home page, so glad you mentioned this clinic to me.