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Newcomer & Paxil user

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  • Newcomer & Paxil user

    I am so glad to find this website. I am a 31 y/o female that has been suffering from DES for about 2 years now. My current regimen includes:
    -cauterized both bottom tear ducts
    -Tears naturale or Systane free 6-10 x daily
    -Refresh Pm ointment at bedtime
    -Flaxseed oil one cap daily

    I took Paxil on and off for 7 years. I didn't have a problem with dry eyes until about the last 2 years. I have been off since March and have not noticed any improvement in my eyes. I has wondering if anyone has found that meds can cause a permanent dryness, even after discontinuation. I have a lot of problems with anxiety and none of the other SSRI's have helped. I have considered going back on it, but don't want to risk losing vision. Any other Paxil users???
    I did try Restasis with limited results. I am off BC and trying to get pregnant, so I stopped the Restasis, but am considering restarting it.
    My biggest concern is that I have large red veins in my eyes. I am yet to find anyone with eyes as red and veiny as mine. I would like to know if anyone else has a problem with red veins that do not go away no matter how often you use eye drops.
    I am sorry for everyone that has DES. No one knows how problematic this conditions is until you have it. I am glad this website is here for support.

  • #2
    re: red veins


    I'm aware of a couple of studies regarding cyclosporine 0.05% (equivalent to Restasis) to decreasing telangiectasis or telangiectasia i(I think these would be the red veins) n patients with meibomian gland dysfunction . If you do a search on pubmed for cyclosporine and "posterior blepharitis" - you'll find the studies. One study showed statistical improvement in the telangiectasis and the other showed that more of the cyclosporin patients had resolution of the lid telangiectasia. Don't know how long you'd need to be on, the cyclosporine for symptoms to improve, as well as the safety of Restasis during pregnancy.

    I don't know if the telangiectasia improved as these patients had meibomian gland dysfunction (mgd), and if telangiectasia would improve in the absenceo of mgd

    I used to have more prominent red veins - but they have decreased in number and prominence since I had surgery to remove excess conjunctival tissue (excision of conjunctivochalasis). From my understanding, the chalasis obliterates the lower tear miniscus - and is a very undiagnosed condition - and grossly underrated in terms of its impact on the ocular surface. I also have meibomian gland dysfunction - but don't know which came first - or which contributed to my veiny inner eyelids.

    Have you had any tests to diagnose what area of your tears you are deficient in? For me, it helped to have kinetic interference tests done - which identified lipid deficiencies.



    • #3
      re: red veins II

      Hi again,

      sorry, forgot to note that the previous two studies discussed improvement in the veins in the inner eyelid -

      I don't know if you were referring to veins in the inner eyelid or the white of your eye.



      • #4
        Just a note

        to let you know. Some of the really red prominent veins on the surface of the eyeball could be a type of varicose vein. I have one in my left eye and two in the right eye. I was told by an eye doctor that they were this type of vein and that there was nothing you can do bout it. I've had them for about 10 years. They really show up and people who don't know me always ask what's wrong with my eyes. It is possible that this might be what you are seeing. My eyes are severely dry and I get some of the redness you are mentioning but it's usually when I haven't slept. Totally different kind of redness.


