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Sinus and dry eye is there a connection..

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  • Sinus and dry eye is there a connection..

    Hi folks I wanted to tell you what happened at the sinus specialist today.My dry eye symptoms started at same time as chronic sinusitis..I had an endoscopic exam of nose etc today and doctor said i had a deviated septum which meant for me that some bone and cartilage were pressing against sinus making it hard for it to drain ..I told him about eye problems and was excited when he said after nose surgery to correct septum eye problems may improve as the drainage would be anyone with repeated sinusitis it may be worth getting to see a specialist as these things are all linked up.kind regards to all on this site..cb.

  • #2
    Sinus and dry eyes

    Yes in my case too there is a clear link between sinus and dry eyes. I have been treating my sinus by herbal methods and it has greatly helped me to improve the dry eye problem


    • #3
      Yes, although the cause of my DE is known (trigeminal nerve section) I also have a deviated sinus (limited draining as well) and certainly more allergy and inflammation problems on that side (Sinus and lower lid particularly).
      The sinus doc also suggested correcting it later on...
      So not the cause, but an additional adverse factor. But I read so many people complain about DE and sinus combined that there must be some kind of link.
      Let's keep each other posted on this.


      • #4
        Dry Eye and Sinus Problems

        I was most interested to read about the linkage between DE and sinus issues. I have had DE intermittently over the years. Selected drops always were effective. A few months ago however I had a recurrence and went first to my doctor and more recently to an Ophthalmic Surgeon. I asked both of them if there was any connection between my DE and my mild sinus complaint which developed soon afterwards. Both assured me there was none. Many drops have now been tried but with no improvement whatever. I cannot read or watch Tv or use my PC for any length and use dark glasses all the time. I have to admit that every now and again I get relief but cannot connect this with either my environment or treatment.


        • #5
          sinus and herbal methods.

          Originally posted by vgiriraj
          Yes in my case too there is a clear link between sinus and dry eyes. I have been treating my sinus by herbal methods and it has greatly helped me to improve the dry eye problem
          Hi vgiriraj i would really like to know which herbal methods you used for your sinus since it has helped your dry eyes..regards cb..


          • #6

            Originally posted by kakinda
            Yes, although the cause of my DE is known (trigeminal nerve section) I also have a deviated sinus (limited draining as well) and certainly more allergy and inflammation problems on that side (Sinus and lower lid particularly).
            The sinus doc also suggested correcting it later on...
            So not the cause, but an additional adverse factor. But I read so many people complain about DE and sinus combined that there must be some kind of link.
            Let's keep each other posted on this.
            Yes il be posting an update on this as things develop, take care.cb


            • #7
              sinus and dry eyes

              Well, the herbal method which is helping me is actually known as Ayurveda the traditional system of medicine in India. In this science the ENT (ear nose and throat) and eyes are treated as a single branch of specialisation unlke modern medicine. Here too a typical opthalmic specialist does not recognise the link with sinusitis. The line of treatment I received was the sinus is cleared by applying some herbal oil on the face-particularly on the sinus area. Thereafter steaming (facial)is done on faceto loosen the mucus. Certain drops are given through the nose and again the oiling is steam is done to loosen the sinus. This takes about 30 minutes and one has to go through the treatment for almost a month.

              This method is popular in Kerala (South India) particularly. One may like to see two websites namely and Thanks, V.Giriraj

