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It said to post here if you're a newbie, so here goes ...

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  • It said to post here if you're a newbie, so here goes ...

    Hi, my name is Meledie. I posted as Meledie Joy for years on Recently, I called in to check on my Nutratears order and spoke to Rebecca (actually I talked her ear off) and found out that this wonderful little commune was tucked away behind the dry eyes store all this time and I never knew it.

    So, I spent a few minutes browsing and, wouldn't you know it, I came across a few old war buddies ... Cathy! (how are those adorable girls of yours doing?) and Glooooooms (how are the cats?) and Phyll (I bow to my Queen!) and Dr. G (how are ya?). I know there must be more of you on here but I have to stop browsing and go eat some supper. So, please post a reply and say hello! I'll come back later and bring cookies!


  • #2
    Hi there Meledie! I surely remember you. Welcome to Dry Eye Talk. You may remember me as "Tron" from SurgicalEyes. 'Dr. Holly's Drops' have come a long way, eh?

    Phyllis is away for a couple of weeks so will probably not see your post for awhile. I know she'll be pleased, as we all are, to catch up with you.

    "People may not always remember exactly what you said or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel." ~ Unknown


    • #3
      Oh my gosh! Tron!!!! Of course, I remember you! How are you doing? And, yes, Dr. Holly's drops have come a long way and helped a whole lot of people, haven't they?

      I was listed here for a bit before I was actually activated to be able to post, so I already had a message from Phyll waiting for me! It was like moving in and having the welcome wagon lady at your door to greet you ... a very nice surprise!

      Wow, you know I think it's been years since I've seen you guys ... thanks so much for saying hi, Cindy!


      • #4

        Hi Melidie,
        I love your avatar!! It is a little spot of Spring in this winter dreary world. I just wanted to welcome you and I'm glad you found this group. They are great!



        • #5
          Nice to meet you, Billye and thank you for the welcome!

          That's a sunflower from last year. Actually, it's time to plant them again in about a week. That's when the little boys from next door will come over and armed with wooden spoons will dig holes in the dirt (their absolute favorite part) and then sprinkle in a few sunflower seeds. Then they spray the seeds, me, themselves and pretty much everything else in sight with water (okay, so maybe that's their favorite part). Little boys are the richest of God's blessings ... Then we sit back and watch the seeds grow small, tall, taller than the boys and then taller than tall. They grow so fast that it's a fun project for little ones because they can see the results of their efforts so quickly.

          But then we're in Florida. So, while we grow sunflowers a lot of you are still busy growing snowmen. Each, a delightful endeavor ...


          • #6
            Hi Meledie,

            Well I have to say, getting to talk to you more than made up for the mortification of having messed up an order .

            So happy you're here - always great to reconnect with some of the original SE family!!!! CathyBC and Mary have been scarce lately but I'll drop 'em a line....
            Rebecca Petris
            The Dry Eye Foundation


            • #7

              I, too, enjoyed our talk ... the consequence of which is my husband missing Greece and wanting to go back ...

              What a wonderful site this is! I've been traipsing around reading all the information. I hope eye doctors give out this site along with samples of eye drops to all their dry eye patients.

              Yes, please, go nudge Cathy and Mary ...


              • #8
                MJ ! Twinsta ! de mango lady from Fla-ree-dah !

                No nudging needed; I read your name at the start of this thread a few minutes ago when I took a quick glance at this site.
                Good thing that I was sitting down.
                I have missed you, and wondered how you were doing.
                I couldn't wait to reply to this thread.

                I don't read over here every day (oops, sorry, Rebecca ), and I don't post here very much, but I have been supportive of this project since the start . . . (and I know that Dr. Holly's Drops, now called NutraTear and Dakrina, were the only things which made a difference in my post-Lasik dry eyes). I also helped to start up LaserMyEye -- another of Rebecca's endeavors, which has a bulletin board for folks who want to discuss refractive surgery matters: (

                Three little gray kitties are waving you hello from Pennsylvania: Keystroke, Greystoke, and Holy Smoke.

                mary / glooooooooooms


                • #9
                  Woooooooooo! Hooooooooo! It's my Twinsta!!!

                  Hi from sunny Flor ee dah ...

                  I can't believe it's YOU! My love to the kittens!
                  Last edited by MJ; 23-Feb-2007, 16:42. Reason: Off Topic Posting Content


                  • #10
                    Crashing a private party

                    Well, we won't call the police unless we hear the sound of duct tape being unrolled.

                    Just as an FYI, after an on-line discussion on the topic of off-topic posting, it was decided that it's best we all refrain from doing much off-topic posting. Of course, there's a bit of off-topic stuff here and there, and we're not discouraging friendly "Good to see ya, Happy Birthday, Say hi to the cats" notes. But the "pages and pages" probably ought to be relegated to e-mail or Private Messaging.


                    • #11
                      Please accept my humblest apology.

                      I was just overjoyed to see my long lost friend again. And her cats. You'll probably have to separate the two of us ...

                      Okie doke ... I promise to behave. Does this go on my record?


                      • #12
                        Naw, yer alright (giggle). This is the welcome forum after all. Mary, time to 'fess up... what's this I hear about bad influence?
                        Rebecca Petris
                        The Dry Eye Foundation


                        • #13
                          Oh, it was just a High-School-Reunion Level of Silliness

                          Dear Rebecca, Dear Almighty, Dear DE Talk readers --

                          Meledie Joy and I are veterans of a previous online community where in-group joking was the most entertaining social event of each week -- because bad results from Lasik eye surgery had prevented many of us from spending weekend evenings driving or dancing or (if single) dating.
                          So I hope that you will forgive our giddy reunion banter today. She and I had lost touch for a few years, but thanks to this bulletin board we have just exchanged private messages in which we shared email addresses. No bad influences here!

                          We promise to be mostly good if you will let us stay .


                          p.s. FYI -- my screen name in that community was "gloomsburg," which is not a commentary on my disposition, but a play on words about the name of town where I live.


                          • #14
                            I'm behaving myself and carrying on forbidden conversation by PM. MJ and I have covered all the gossip before you guys even knew what was happening. I happened to see her name on the bottom as signed on and was so presumptious that I sent a PM to her telling her I was over "joy"ed to see her. Butt bows and all.

                            Now, if Glooms and the rest will behave as I have been, the Almighty would appreciate it.

                            Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

                            The Dry Eye Queen


                            • #15
                              Dry Eye Chat never really took off (my fault) but, boy, it's getting awfully tempting to try and give it another whirl.
                              Rebecca Petris
                              The Dry Eye Foundation

