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  • symptoms

    I have been suffering from servere dry eye for two months. I have a very difficult time keeping my eyes opened, difficulty focusing, sensitivity to light, worse when I move around. I have taken a few days off from work and to tell the truth I'm frightened. I've gone to two opthamologist, and my attending. All say dry eye. I'm on restasis for two month now, on and off steroids, antibiotic ointment at night and had plugs inserted (two). . Nothing seems to be helping. Use gel during the day in between. I've been told to take omega 3 fatty acids and drink plenty of water which I'm doing. It's so amazing that this came on so servere... When I think back my eyes felt heavy alot and blurred vision at night when I tried reading and I remember using visine (which I know I shouldn't now) sometimes. As I try to read this when I'm typing I tilt my head back and try opening my eyes. It's just so wierd. Please has anyone had these symptoms. I'm under alot of stress...could this aggrevate it. I just need to talk to people with similar experiences to feel okay about this and that there is hope. Thanks all

  • #2
    Hi LeeAnn,
    I understand your fear and anxiety about the sudden onset of dry eye. I had a sudden onset of dry eye about 7 months ago and found it was secondary to menopause.

    There is almost always a cause for dry eye so you need to investigate why you have developed this condititon. How old are you? Could you be perimenopausal or in menopause?

    Any drugs/birth control which you have used or are currently using? Contact lense use? Past infections of the eyes? Allergies affecting eyes? Skin conditions? Autoimmune disorders?

    These are some of the possible causes of dry eye which your eye doctors and primary care doctor should have discussed with you. Ask to have all four tear ducts plugged. This has helped me the most.


    • #3
      Hi LeeAnn,
      Welcome , ( although I could understand your not wanting to be here)
      My dry eye was sudden also, along with severe blepharitis shortly after.
      Do you have fair skin? Ocular rosacea can go undetected, (mine did) It was very mild in the facial department, just a little patchy redness around my nose. But my eyes were quite a different story.
      A note of hope, I have improved, a lot!

      I had quite a few rough patches along the way, but this web site was a godsend. ( still is! )

      Keep asking, till you get a answer


      • #4

        Welcome, I am saddened that you too are suffering from this condition but pleased that you have found this site.

        It is a very difficult condition to learn to live with but you are taking some positive steps.

        Restasis has worked wonders for some people and the documentation suggests that you should start to get some benefit after about 3 months.

        I know that it is extremely difficult, but I found that by working on my attitude helps alot with the physical symptoms.

        When you are doing your hot/cold compresses or having a really challening time, find a place for yourself, with no interruptions and just make it "me time", I load up the MP3 and just listen to my favourite tracks, I also have a great positive attitude building CD that I listen too when I am really down.

        Hang in there, it does get better. The first few months are trial and error until you find the combination that works for you, sooner or later you will find what works and what doesn't.

        I wish you well and reassure you that there are some great suggestions on this site, if you have any questions, just ask.




        • #5
          Hello leeann.

          Im so very sorry to hear that you have developed this frightening condition..I have mgd and blepharitis dry eye and i too am finding it hard to keep eyes open all the usual stuff..Ive been on 100mg doxycycline for three months now, but have heard that restasis is usually very good..Ive found the strength to cope by finding support through emails with people on this when you feel down you can always email someone who understands perfectly this horrible thing..Take care and know that there are people out there who care..

