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New - Dry Eye - Or What??

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  • New - Dry Eye - Or What??

    hello all -

    i have been diagnosed by my dr as having dry eye.... but i have been doing some research and i am not you have much experience between all of you... i am looking to you for help/confirmation/ and someone to talk to.

    i have searched around the board and there are so many of you with so many stories and lives affected - i am both amazed, and also frustrated that there are so many people - in pain, or whose lives have changed in some ways due to something so small as their eyes.... and not involving vision!!!

    I went to my dr because my eyes, needed new contacts and they felt like they were not holding their "wetness". Also - when i would use eye drops, the drops would just roll out of my eye and onto my cheek... it's like they were full already?? the other symptom i have is that while driving my eyes would feel like closing.Not a spasm... more like they just wanted to be closed OR i would feel pressure in my eyebrow ( the same spot where i used to feel pain/pressure from my sinus... and also just recently found out i have allergies -big time Mold !!) . In October i was put on the hrt hormone for hotflashes as i am perimenopausal. My body is falling apart and i an not quite 50 yet......

    I am quite concerned with my eye closings and explained this to the dr - who feels that this is dry eye and problems with my sinuses.

    I did some research on the interntet and i also found our info about blepharospam. I am quite scared and frustrated. I don't feel like i have that yet.... as i don't have spasms - nor do my eyes stay closed/shut. But they are not happy especially when i drive. If i use drops while i drive - i probably would need a hose with a contstant supply of liquid before my eyebrow are relaxes .... and strangly.. i have used a "sensory technique" that i learned on the web - that if i sing.... my eyes relax and stay open better.

    At work i use a computer all day long.. and i seem basically fine. i am trying to take more breaks and put in more drops to keep them more relaxe
    Also while watching tv... sometimes my eyes bother me.. mosty at night.

    Does anyone out there with classic dry eye have any driving problems like i do??? what do you do?? Does anyone have problems with their eyes wanting to close??

    i have also read about people with sinus problems... Can you give any quidance??

    i would appreciate any and all answers as i don't know where i belong and in what diagnosis catagory..... or if i should go for further testing somewhere..

    thanks for listening.... i try to remember: this is not life threating.... right??

    By the way.. my symptoms are the same whether i am wearing my contacts or my glasses, which i put on the minute i get home and all weekend long.

    thanks again.....

  • #2
    Hot Flash that Car

    You are lucky, this is just starting and there are so many things you still can do. I never wrore contacts so don't know about that. What I do relate to and have not seen much about is the driving. I used to drive 20 miles to and 29 miles from work and in traffic it was 40 or 50 minutes give or take 10 for snarls each way. Yes I felt that irrisistable urge to close my eyes too! Eventually I attributed it to the dryness inside of the car and always put drops in just before taking off, but that did not really seem to affect this sensation. I came to think it was not really related and that it was a kind of hypnosis because going back and forth every day the same way, same times is brain numbing no matter how interesting NPR on the radio is. But now I don't know as you have this too. We can't both be bored...


    • #3
      Welcome Brown Eyes!

      I know EXACTLY what you mean about wanting to close your eyes while driving. I no longer wear contact lenses but I sure do remember that feeling.

      Something to check out ...
      You said you have mold allergies. We had a car once that ended up having mold in the air conditioning system. The car was only a few years old and I forget now what caused the mold problem. Around that time my son was diagnosed with mold allergies. We got a different car and things were so much better for him. I think it was aspergillus mold?



      • #4
        Dry eyes and sinus

        Yes, there is a link between sinus and dry eyes, very clearly in my case. If the sinus is treated possibly the dry eye may reduce. At least this is what I am trying to do, but with no concrete result so far to share. I cannot stand airconditioning and both cold and dryness increases in such a room. I am trying to treat them through some homeopathic medicines. Let us see.V. Giriraj

