I need some help. I don't know what's going on. I don't know if I have dry eye or a patch of it or what. Let me start from the beginning. Brace yourselves. It's rivaling War and Peace.
I've worn colored contacts for about 6 years now-no problems. I did have the bad habit of stretching my disposables for months but got better about it end of last year. I do wear eye makeup because my looks are important to me and my eyes are my best feature. I admit I hardly wash my face at night but I never sleep in my contacts.
So here's where it all starts:
Feb 27th-woke up with inner white part of eye bloodshot..2 days later the right eye gets the same redness in the same area.
March 2nd - Go to eye doctor (optometrist) and he sees a small thing on my cornea. Abrasion I suppose. He also suspected viral eye infection. He put me on vigamox (antibiotic eyedrop) and wanted to see me two days later.
March 5th - Eyes look alot better. Redness pretty much gone. Says to continue Vigamox for 4 more days and I can go back to contacts. I do the treatment and go back to contacts but also wear my glasses at home. contacts would still sort of bother me off an on. I would have my good days and my bad days with them.
2 and a half weeks go by....
Eye starts bothering me again. Go to eye doctor on March 31st and says I still have that thing on my cornea and small white spots circling cornea meaning its bacteria. He puts me on 2 different eye drops.
April 2nd - Make an appt with an opthamologist. He diagnosis me with allergic conjuctivitis. Puts me on Pataday (1x) Alamast (3x) and Tobradex (3 times in left eye only. Wants to see me back in a week
April 9th - Eye's feeling good again.Says thing on cornea is about 90% healed and cuts down on the eyedrops. I use them but use them less.
So here's the thing. It's only my left eye that bothers me. A couple days after the eye doctor I notice that there is this part on the white of my eye next to the brown that starts turning red ever so often. It flares up. Sometimes it turns red and then goes away. I happens ever so often daily. When the red flares up my eye starts hurting. Is that a patch of dryness. I am using artificial tears but it doesnt really help. I'm suspecting dryness because my eyes hardly tear up now. Ever since the infection. I think my eye sort of feels better with the contact but I need to test that. I wore them last night and the left eye was a little bothersome but not as annoying as the red flare up thing. I really don't know what it is. Let me just say my eye just stopped hurting this moment and it feels so good.
I'm sure it's going to flare up again though.
Any insights? is it possible to have a patch of dryness on your eye? Anybody have dryness in one eye?
I've worn colored contacts for about 6 years now-no problems. I did have the bad habit of stretching my disposables for months but got better about it end of last year. I do wear eye makeup because my looks are important to me and my eyes are my best feature. I admit I hardly wash my face at night but I never sleep in my contacts.
So here's where it all starts:
Feb 27th-woke up with inner white part of eye bloodshot..2 days later the right eye gets the same redness in the same area.
March 2nd - Go to eye doctor (optometrist) and he sees a small thing on my cornea. Abrasion I suppose. He also suspected viral eye infection. He put me on vigamox (antibiotic eyedrop) and wanted to see me two days later.
March 5th - Eyes look alot better. Redness pretty much gone. Says to continue Vigamox for 4 more days and I can go back to contacts. I do the treatment and go back to contacts but also wear my glasses at home. contacts would still sort of bother me off an on. I would have my good days and my bad days with them.
2 and a half weeks go by....
Eye starts bothering me again. Go to eye doctor on March 31st and says I still have that thing on my cornea and small white spots circling cornea meaning its bacteria. He puts me on 2 different eye drops.
April 2nd - Make an appt with an opthamologist. He diagnosis me with allergic conjuctivitis. Puts me on Pataday (1x) Alamast (3x) and Tobradex (3 times in left eye only. Wants to see me back in a week
April 9th - Eye's feeling good again.Says thing on cornea is about 90% healed and cuts down on the eyedrops. I use them but use them less.
So here's the thing. It's only my left eye that bothers me. A couple days after the eye doctor I notice that there is this part on the white of my eye next to the brown that starts turning red ever so often. It flares up. Sometimes it turns red and then goes away. I happens ever so often daily. When the red flares up my eye starts hurting. Is that a patch of dryness. I am using artificial tears but it doesnt really help. I'm suspecting dryness because my eyes hardly tear up now. Ever since the infection. I think my eye sort of feels better with the contact but I need to test that. I wore them last night and the left eye was a little bothersome but not as annoying as the red flare up thing. I really don't know what it is. Let me just say my eye just stopped hurting this moment and it feels so good.

Any insights? is it possible to have a patch of dryness on your eye? Anybody have dryness in one eye?