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Anyone ever get out of this alive?

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  • Anyone ever get out of this alive?

    I know this condition is said to be chronic, but people do get cured from chronic illness all the time. I have a friend who after five years her Rheumatiod arthritis just went away. You read all those books about natural healing and I know being in the biology field you want to not believe it but who knows?

    Any thoughts?!?!

    Hopeing for a cure...or at least improvement!

  • #2
    there is still hope

    I heard about some people who had dry eyes and then it disappeared just as it came... This thought helps me waking up everyday, when I start thinking "another struggling day"...
    We never know, human body is so complex.
    But it is also true that I see more people struggling with the syndrom than people that have been healed.
    I don't know...
    Just try to live with it until it gets better, and maybe, one day... ;-)
    Hey, nobody said life would be easy right? Please mum, next time you give birth to me, spend more time on the conception of my eyes, okay?


    • #3
      Always hope!

      Well, if you look at the various posts in this board or similar boards, you see that once you are really in the probability of struggling long time or 4-ever is high. But you should never forget about those that struggled, get cured and then just disappear of those boards. Furthermore if you listen to doctors (however, they always post their successful treatments), many people get out of the severe symptoms stage for long times. So hang on, try to live your life as healthy as possible and hopefully the treatments and your body will give relief. Additionally if western medicine fails, there are still other approaches like TCM, wonders and other miracles. So don't give up and live.


      • #4
        You need to understand it is a complicated problem and many people do not get an easy cure. If it was there would be no need for this site.
        Although it is unlikely you will be "cured", there are a lot of treatments available and you need to find your root cause and use the appropriate treatment. Do this and your dry eye will be managed and bearable, if not gone. It is all about improving the symptoms, not curing the root problem.
        Occupation - Optimistologist


        • #5
          I just wana add to this that i have been given hope in the fact that one day my eyes can feel severe and the day after they can feel completely normal, so in a matter of days they go from unbearable to- being able to stand in room full of SMOKE WITH ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEMS. I never thought my eyes could feel normal again. And its not just a small improvement.. its like how my eyes used to feel (normal).

          And like ive said on here Many times the reason for this is coz i have some face pain which comes and goes, and the face pain somehow makes my glands work! and in the past the face pain has lasted for a year and i had no dry eye at all.

          I know everyone is different so this might not help everyone but id quite gladly be studied for scientists coz i think this extreemly interesting how severe dry eye can just turn normal in a matter of days even hours! I know im only a case study, But solutions have been formed on the basis of case studies in the past. Like someone takes one drug for one thing and finds it cures by chance something completely different..

          Oh and have to add that my dry has in no way got any better, i.e if i have no face pain my dry eye comes back as bad as ever. Nothing has ever helped my eyes (supplemtents, retasis etc) execept the face pain.
          I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


          • #6
            Can you please describe this face pain? Is it like sinus pain - in the nose and brow?
            Occupation - Optimistologist


            • #7
              Yea like sinus pain abit.. nose, brow, cheek that sort of thing
              I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


              • #8
                Thats interesting - I wonder if you have sinus problems then. Maybe the pain blocks out the sensation of dry eye so you still have dry eyes but dont notice it. Have you had a test to see if your tear film is good/bad while you have the face pain? May give interesting results.
                Occupation - Optimistologist


                • #9
                  Thats interesting - I wonder if you have sinus problems then. Maybe the pain blocks out the sensation of dry eye so you still have dry eyes but dont notice it. Have you had a test to see if your tear film is good/bad while you have the face pain? May give interesting results.
                  No its not sinus problems its face pain. i can make it better if i massage my kneck.
                  No it really isnt that at all. The face pain is not bad enough to block out the pain of dry eye, most of the time it is only a mild pressure over my nose. Also my eye lids turn from red to pink when i have face pain and my eyes look glossey -as in a thicker tear film. When my eyes are bad i can see no glosseyness (oil probaly). Plus when i have face pain i can hold my eyes open for 20 seconds with no irratation when i ont have face pain and my eyes are bad i cant hold them open past 6 seconds. Also when my eyes are bad they water from the irratation of the enviroment, When i have face pain i dont get this at all. A psychosomatic effect would maybe help the pain but wouldnt stop them watering. When i have face pain i dont have to use a single drop throughout the day, and Overall my eyes look and feel ALOT healther.

                  I can say 100% that its not a psychological thing the face pain is deffinately stimulating the M glands to work.

                  It sounds abit like what that scientist 'gordinlaurie' posted lately. Theres signal receptors in the eye cells which tell the glands to make tears and oil. Also she said the singal receptors are effected in contact lense wearers. The cause of my dry eye =Contacts. He said he will soon be presenting evidence of this effect. A larger proportion of contact lense wearers have dry eye compared to the general population.. im thinking this this could be a reason.

                  I think my face pain is stimulating the signal receptors on the cornea by using the 5th trigamoninal nerve-sp? which connects face nerves to cillary nerves in the cornea, the singnal receptors in the cornea tell the glands to work. its the only explantion that makes any sense and its logical.

                  I think someone should study me as to why this is happening!

                  by the way i am a healthy 22 yr old with no other problems the only reason i have dry eye today..i am convinced of is due to contacts. If i had never worn contacts i dont think i would be in the position i am today! my friend has Loupus, an autoimmune disease that is supposed to effect your eyes and it is bad effect on the body.. yet he has very mild dry eye which doesnt bother him. And i have horible burning stinging eyes.. Why when im so healthy?? Only answer is contacts, i have assessed everthing else, dont have allergies, dont have rosacea (sp?), dont have sjordens, not going through the menapouse-plus have assessed my hormones and they are normal. And developed dry eye when i was 17 after wearing contacts!
                  Last edited by sazy123; 06-Jul-2007, 08:42.
                  I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


                  • #10
                    Yes but the sinus was only a guess. But the face pain connection is definitely something you should press with an Ophthalmologist.
                    I only talked about sinus as sinus causes pain and also the sinus network includes tear ducts - thus the link.
                    Occupation - Optimistologist


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dryeye22
                      Hopeing for a cure...or at least improvement!
                      I've given up on a 'cure' but I am convinced I can manage the problem so that it has less impact on my life. Its something I'm going to have to live with forever possibly, but I felt enough improvement in the past 2 years (At one time it was really severe) to know that some of the things I'm doing will have to be kept up forever.

