Dear forum members,
I just started using autologous serum tears three days ago. I have chronic
severe dry eye from lasik three years ago.
I am wondering who in the forum has had success in using these serum tears and how long have you used them before recovery. Do you stop using them,
after recovery or is this long term treatment (ie one or two years).
I would appreciate any advice or if you'd like to share any experiences
on autologous serum tears.
Thank you very much.
I just started using autologous serum tears three days ago. I have chronic
severe dry eye from lasik three years ago.
I am wondering who in the forum has had success in using these serum tears and how long have you used them before recovery. Do you stop using them,
after recovery or is this long term treatment (ie one or two years).
I would appreciate any advice or if you'd like to share any experiences
on autologous serum tears.
Thank you very much.