Hi There,
Well I had my lasik almost 9 months ago. I on purposely didn't let myself research lasik on the internet so I would not freak myself out. What a mistake! I personally know at least 10 people who have had lasik and are thrilled with their results. I had no reason to think I would be any different. I wore contacts for 21 years with no real problems. Every now and then one would bother me and I would take it out, rinse it off and pop it back in. It was usually okay after that. Looking back was that a dry eye symptom? I didn't know if it was.
My lasik surgeon told me I was a great candidate. He examined my eyes. I was mildly myopic with a bit of astigmatism in the right eye. If he saw dryness he didn't mention it to me. He didn't do a Schimers test. I didn't feel any symptoms. This is the part that haunts me the most. Did I miss the symptoms? Did he?
Three days after the surgery my eyes turned bone dry. I tried drops but they only gave me temporary relief from the burning and stinging. The people at the dr. office made me feel like I am the only patient they have ever had that had this severe of a problem. Ironically though my vision is 20/20. That to them means success. Nevermind that I was in so much pain.
I left that office and went to a corneal specialist. He helped me a lot. I have been on Restasis for 3 months and have 2 lower silicone plugs. It has made me better. But I'm greedy. I want to feel totally better. I paid 5 grand for this surgery and was totally prepared to not see 20/20. But never did I think I would put myself in pain. I am now scared that after 9 months this is as good as it is going to get.
I take biotears and drink a bunch of water and do other dry eye treatment. I LOVE my panoptx glasses for driving and when I need air conditioning in the car. But I don't have the nerve to wear them into stores yet. So every shopping trip means my eyes will be stinging more. I feel bad for complaining because I am sure my eyes are not as bad as most here now. But I still do have burning/stinging even if it has improved. Am I being unrealistic and greedy to want it ALL gone? I guess I am a wimp because any discomfort is too much discomfort for me. And my eyes while improved are not where they were presurgery at all.
I have so much regret and I think this is even worse than my physical symptoms. Plus, and this is bad, I really hate my doctor. I know this is unhealthy and I signed that consent form. He never spoke to me about complications though although it was all spelled out for me on that dang form. I also hate myself for doing this to an otherwise happy life. Why didn't I just leave myself alone? Contacts weren't all that bad. How do I move on past this regret and just accept things as they are and learn to cope and modify my lifestyle to my new handicap? I know that is what I need to do but I just can't seem to settle that in my mind and accept what I've done to myself. I feel like I need to apologize to those of you who are worse off than me. I feel like a bad person because the improvement I have had isn't enough to make me happy. But my eyes still do burn, darn it. And I am just so sick of it.
Does anyone know of anyone who had lasik dry eye and eventually did heal after it went on for so long? Even if I could know that in 5 years my eyes would feel normal this would be enough for me to have the strength to push on. I just need hope. But I don't know anyone who has had this complication let alone recovered from it.
Any words of encouragment from anyone?
Well I had my lasik almost 9 months ago. I on purposely didn't let myself research lasik on the internet so I would not freak myself out. What a mistake! I personally know at least 10 people who have had lasik and are thrilled with their results. I had no reason to think I would be any different. I wore contacts for 21 years with no real problems. Every now and then one would bother me and I would take it out, rinse it off and pop it back in. It was usually okay after that. Looking back was that a dry eye symptom? I didn't know if it was.
My lasik surgeon told me I was a great candidate. He examined my eyes. I was mildly myopic with a bit of astigmatism in the right eye. If he saw dryness he didn't mention it to me. He didn't do a Schimers test. I didn't feel any symptoms. This is the part that haunts me the most. Did I miss the symptoms? Did he?
Three days after the surgery my eyes turned bone dry. I tried drops but they only gave me temporary relief from the burning and stinging. The people at the dr. office made me feel like I am the only patient they have ever had that had this severe of a problem. Ironically though my vision is 20/20. That to them means success. Nevermind that I was in so much pain.
I left that office and went to a corneal specialist. He helped me a lot. I have been on Restasis for 3 months and have 2 lower silicone plugs. It has made me better. But I'm greedy. I want to feel totally better. I paid 5 grand for this surgery and was totally prepared to not see 20/20. But never did I think I would put myself in pain. I am now scared that after 9 months this is as good as it is going to get.
I take biotears and drink a bunch of water and do other dry eye treatment. I LOVE my panoptx glasses for driving and when I need air conditioning in the car. But I don't have the nerve to wear them into stores yet. So every shopping trip means my eyes will be stinging more. I feel bad for complaining because I am sure my eyes are not as bad as most here now. But I still do have burning/stinging even if it has improved. Am I being unrealistic and greedy to want it ALL gone? I guess I am a wimp because any discomfort is too much discomfort for me. And my eyes while improved are not where they were presurgery at all.
I have so much regret and I think this is even worse than my physical symptoms. Plus, and this is bad, I really hate my doctor. I know this is unhealthy and I signed that consent form. He never spoke to me about complications though although it was all spelled out for me on that dang form. I also hate myself for doing this to an otherwise happy life. Why didn't I just leave myself alone? Contacts weren't all that bad. How do I move on past this regret and just accept things as they are and learn to cope and modify my lifestyle to my new handicap? I know that is what I need to do but I just can't seem to settle that in my mind and accept what I've done to myself. I feel like I need to apologize to those of you who are worse off than me. I feel like a bad person because the improvement I have had isn't enough to make me happy. But my eyes still do burn, darn it. And I am just so sick of it.
Does anyone know of anyone who had lasik dry eye and eventually did heal after it went on for so long? Even if I could know that in 5 years my eyes would feel normal this would be enough for me to have the strength to push on. I just need hope. But I don't know anyone who has had this complication let alone recovered from it.
Any words of encouragment from anyone?