Hi, i'm 38 & have worn contact lenses for the past 22 years. For the past 3 years i have worn monthly soft toric lenses without any problems. My problem began six weeks ago, i was driving home one evening & my eyes felt really dry & it felt as though my lenses were suctioned to my eyes. Instead of stopping the car & taking my lenses out i carried on the hour and a half journey home, continually prodding & rubbing my eyelids to try to reposition my lenses as my eyes were getting really blurry too. Went to bed & next morning could hardly open my eyes, the dryness was unbelievable, so here i am 6 weeks on & i haven't worn my lenses since & my eyes are still really dry & uncomfortable all day but especially through the night & first thing in the morning, its really getting me down. The rim of my right upper eyelid is constantly burning too. Have also been told i have a corneal abrasion & I'm taking ocumed drops for this every 2 hours. Do you think my eyes will recover from this? I would be grateful for any advice.