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Hello I'm new here!

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  • Hello I'm new here!

    Hi all! I came across your website this evening and was so excited at the prospect of chatting with other dry eye sufferers.
    My dry eyes started about 7 years ago. I've tried all sorts of drops and gels, was on Restasis for 2 years with no improvement, take Omega-3 pills every day, have my lower tear ducts plugged, and even tried taking Oracea which is a pill for Rosacea. I recently found a new doctor who suggested that my dry eyes might be a result of my birth control lowering the levels of testosterone in my body. Since none of the conventional remedies had worked we decided to try DHEA drops, which I just started today. I hope hope hope that they make some difference because I HATE my eyes and how red and irritated they ALWAYS are.

    Is there anyone here who has experience with DHEA or with birth control causing their dry eyes? I'd love to hear your stories!!

    Thanks for listening!

  • #2
    Hi Alexa! Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear about your troubles w/ dry eyes, but I hope your new doctor can make a big difference! I have not tried DHEA drops, so I cannot tell your anything about that. But, I do suspect that birth control pills made my minor dry eye symptoms worse, to the point that I cannot wear contact lenses and I'm constantly in pain. I've since stopped the pills, and I feel a little better, but not as good as before I've started the pills.

    You mentioned that your have rosacea...have you gotten checked for blepharitis/mgd? Rosacea is a major cause for dry eye. If you haven't tried Dr. Latkany's Home Eye Spa that he originally designed for blepharitis, mgd, and rosacea, it would be worth it to give it a try. Here is a link to a thread with a description:

    I've done this once a day for about a month for my mgd and I feel that it has helped a little bit. I expect to see more improvement if I am diligent and stick with it.

    Good luck and keep us posted!


    • #3
      Hi there and welcome!

      Originally posted by alexa_ruth
      Is there anyone here who has experience with DHEA or with birth control causing their dry eyes? I'd love to hear your stories!!
      Often on highly specialized topics like this, the best source is existing threads, because the users who know the most may not be active participants and the right person is not all that likely to see your question.
      Here's a link to one of our best threads on DHEA drops. If you do a search on "birth control" you'll probably find some of the best threads on those pretty quickly (I don't think there have been a huge number of those).
      Rebecca Petris
      The Dry Eye Foundation

