Hello everyone, I discovered this site a while ago and think that it is fantastic but haven’t got round to joining or introducing myself, until now. I’m a 28 year old male living in London. I’ve been having problems with my eyes for probably the best part or my 20’s. I am otherwise very healthy. I had experienced problems earlier when I worked in pubs in university due to the smoke, but the problems exasperated when I began to use computers on a more consistent basis. This was about 4 years ago and it has had a significant effect on my life since, including job changes and social life.
I was diagnosed about 2 years ago with dry eye, due to the quality of my tears, rather than quantity. I have tried a number of things which I’ll list below but the main problem for me is computer usage, and to a lesser degree television, cinema, sometimes reading. The last three I can live without but in my line of work I must use a computer at least a couple of hours a day. Even 20 mins a day I find tough so obviously hours causes me a lot of pain.
I’ve read through the computer usage tips on this site and others and I have put the majority of these into place. For me the factors that help are having a flat screen (not CRT), surrounding lighting conditions and taking breaks. The thing that helps the most though is inverting the computer screen so that all the white on the screen becomes black and the visa versa. So for instance I am looking at this website as a black screen with white type. (I haven’t read anyone mention this so if it is of use, you can do it on a Mac by going into system preferences and then universal access. I’m not sure how it’s done on a PC but I’m sure it’s possible.) I also have the brightness turned way down, which helps me a lot and tints on my glasses. So the brightness is a factor but then even with this I still have the problems. I’m fairly sure I blink more than enough, although I can’t swear 100% by this.
The confusing thing for me is why, up until the last two years or so, I have only had significant eye problems when I use a computer (which can effect me for hours and even days after). In the last couple of years I am experiencing eye problems even away from a computer and TV. This possibly coincided with moving to London, from Ireland. The pollution here in London can be pretty bad, especially in the in the Underground. As with everyone there are days when my eyes seem better or worse than others. Days when they can feel normal (if I’m not using computer or television) and days when they are burning and acidy regardless of what I do. But, generally, if I don’t have to use a computer my eyes are still much much better. For instance I have always found reading much easier. However in recent months I’ve also been experiencing severe strain on my eyes, behind the eyes and sometimes headaches when I use a computer (and even reading a book). This particular event feels like it is more a vision problem than dry eyes but I have had my vision checked and my prescription has not changed much. I have reading glasses and I am looking into getting computer prescribed glasses. Are there other possible causes of eye strain? My prescription can’t be far out and pain seems to occur very quickly – sometimes within 10 minutes. I haven’t seen an ophthalmologist specifically about this yet.
So far, I have seen only one private ophthalmologist here in London, over a year ago, and several NHS eye doctors since (a process I wouldn’t go through again!) I intend to see another doctor in the coming months. Along the way, I have been diagnosed with meibomitis and allergies and occasionally blepheritis. Roscea (Purple dye) shows some scarring on the cornea. I think my eyes look fairly normal and they almost never seem to become red or inflamed. Consequently, it’s very hard to be taken seriously or understand why they hurt so much.
I’ve tried a list of eye drops as long as my arm. I’ve tried steroid drops, and Cyclosporin ointment (similar to restasis I’m told), Doxycycline tablets and Antihistamines and I’ve had punctual plugs put in both upper and lower ducts. I’ve also tried an Anti Candida Diet (No sugar or yeast for 1 month).
I’ve had blood tests for the following:
Thyroid – Normal
Hormone levels – Normal (I have reason to believe there might be hormonal factors involved despite my blood test)
Sugar levels (Plasma Glucose) – Normal (Tested twice, early 2006 and early 2007)
Liver Function – Normal
Full Blood Check – checks for disorders and infections - Normal
Nutritional status – Normal
The things that help are warm compresses (twice daily), lid scrubs (twice) and Lacrilube at night. I find drinking lots of water so important, as is sleeping properly. And I find yawning helps. I only use drops occasionally as I find they have a diminishing effectiveness – I find Systane seems to do a good job.
I’ll sign off now, but if anyone has shared experiences, particularly with computers then please get in touch.
Best wishes
I was diagnosed about 2 years ago with dry eye, due to the quality of my tears, rather than quantity. I have tried a number of things which I’ll list below but the main problem for me is computer usage, and to a lesser degree television, cinema, sometimes reading. The last three I can live without but in my line of work I must use a computer at least a couple of hours a day. Even 20 mins a day I find tough so obviously hours causes me a lot of pain.
I’ve read through the computer usage tips on this site and others and I have put the majority of these into place. For me the factors that help are having a flat screen (not CRT), surrounding lighting conditions and taking breaks. The thing that helps the most though is inverting the computer screen so that all the white on the screen becomes black and the visa versa. So for instance I am looking at this website as a black screen with white type. (I haven’t read anyone mention this so if it is of use, you can do it on a Mac by going into system preferences and then universal access. I’m not sure how it’s done on a PC but I’m sure it’s possible.) I also have the brightness turned way down, which helps me a lot and tints on my glasses. So the brightness is a factor but then even with this I still have the problems. I’m fairly sure I blink more than enough, although I can’t swear 100% by this.
The confusing thing for me is why, up until the last two years or so, I have only had significant eye problems when I use a computer (which can effect me for hours and even days after). In the last couple of years I am experiencing eye problems even away from a computer and TV. This possibly coincided with moving to London, from Ireland. The pollution here in London can be pretty bad, especially in the in the Underground. As with everyone there are days when my eyes seem better or worse than others. Days when they can feel normal (if I’m not using computer or television) and days when they are burning and acidy regardless of what I do. But, generally, if I don’t have to use a computer my eyes are still much much better. For instance I have always found reading much easier. However in recent months I’ve also been experiencing severe strain on my eyes, behind the eyes and sometimes headaches when I use a computer (and even reading a book). This particular event feels like it is more a vision problem than dry eyes but I have had my vision checked and my prescription has not changed much. I have reading glasses and I am looking into getting computer prescribed glasses. Are there other possible causes of eye strain? My prescription can’t be far out and pain seems to occur very quickly – sometimes within 10 minutes. I haven’t seen an ophthalmologist specifically about this yet.
So far, I have seen only one private ophthalmologist here in London, over a year ago, and several NHS eye doctors since (a process I wouldn’t go through again!) I intend to see another doctor in the coming months. Along the way, I have been diagnosed with meibomitis and allergies and occasionally blepheritis. Roscea (Purple dye) shows some scarring on the cornea. I think my eyes look fairly normal and they almost never seem to become red or inflamed. Consequently, it’s very hard to be taken seriously or understand why they hurt so much.
I’ve tried a list of eye drops as long as my arm. I’ve tried steroid drops, and Cyclosporin ointment (similar to restasis I’m told), Doxycycline tablets and Antihistamines and I’ve had punctual plugs put in both upper and lower ducts. I’ve also tried an Anti Candida Diet (No sugar or yeast for 1 month).
I’ve had blood tests for the following:
Thyroid – Normal
Hormone levels – Normal (I have reason to believe there might be hormonal factors involved despite my blood test)
Sugar levels (Plasma Glucose) – Normal (Tested twice, early 2006 and early 2007)
Liver Function – Normal
Full Blood Check – checks for disorders and infections - Normal
Nutritional status – Normal
The things that help are warm compresses (twice daily), lid scrubs (twice) and Lacrilube at night. I find drinking lots of water so important, as is sleeping properly. And I find yawning helps. I only use drops occasionally as I find they have a diminishing effectiveness – I find Systane seems to do a good job.
I’ll sign off now, but if anyone has shared experiences, particularly with computers then please get in touch.
Best wishes