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  • Hi everyone

    My name is Carol, and I have been struggleing with dry eye syndrome since I had my Lasik in 2001. I have been to the eye Drs. more times then I can count. I also have tried everything available to treat these red, tired, sore, irritated eyes you can possibly think of. Plugs, every brand of lubricating drops on the market, hot compresses, Rebecca's rice baggy, moisture goggles at night, Restasis- which stings my eyes and makes them even redder, Doxycycline, I even have had test to see if I had Sojerns- which turned out to be a false- postive-which my Dr ruled out, I also tried a rhuematologist to see if I had an autoimmune disorder. I am presently schduled to see a cornea specialist, that has great respect for dry eye patients. If anyone out there knows of any thing that might help PLEASE let me know. Any help dealing with this frustrating disease would be greatly appreciated. Also I have been taking high concentrations of the omega 3's with out much luck. Redeyes in Niagara Falls

  • #2
    Amazingly Identical!!!

    I believe that finding this web community is one of the best things that could happen to you conidering the post-LASIK dry eye problems you are having. It has certainly helped me to retain some of my sanity. The majority of the folks here know what you are going through and can offer some great advice and support.
    On a little different note, your story is IDENTICAL to mine. I posted it on here somewhere. I think I was having a bad day when I wrote it. My eyes are dry, they are uncomfortable nearly all day, and the worst part is that my eyes are VERY bloodshot and tired-looking all the time. I am doing everything that I can think of to make it go away but nothing yet has helped. I try not to dwell on it but I constantly look at pre-LASIK photgraphs and think about what my life was like then and how it should be now. We should not have to settle for just surviving from one day to the next with this problem. I know things could always be worse but sometimes the discomfort, appearance, and remorse for deciding to have LASIK are hard pills to swallow. Best of luck in your Dry Eye battle. DN


    • #3
      Put your Chin Up

      I feel for you. Having sore burning/ painful eyes are really hard to accept some days even though we experience it everyday. Welcome aboard and I hope you find at least some or complete relief. Maybe you’ll pick up an idea somewhere. It sounds like you’re quite experienced on the topic. I just got back from the eye doctor tonight. She prescribed Restasis (which many of you dislike). She “ordered” a six month trial. As you know you’ll try anything. The days which are really bad . . . I try switching the way I think – “How wonderful it is that I can see.” However, I have to wear two contacts in my left eye, one in the right, and glasses over the contacts. Wednesday morning I go to a bible class at 7 AM. There I meet reality on just how bad life could be for me. My friend in his late forties had a farm accident. His son accidentally let the front-end loader down on his head. Needless to say- It crushed it. Ten years latter you never knew anything happened . . . except that he is totally blind. His outlook on life is unbelievable. Often I wonder how he does it. He certainly inspires me. When my eyes are unbearable this gets me back on track. I do not mean for this as a sermon. Often when I feel worse or have less tolerance, I can feel better because I try to change my frame of mind. I accomplish this by different forms of biofeedback, self-hypnosis, or yoga. Sometimes I’m able to obtain that comfort level. Best of eye health!

