hi out there in dry eye land! ive been a member since 05'? ive never written,only surfed and read about my condition which is similar to many of your own.dont have the money for all this neat stuff,im severe and bear a lot.my drops of choice have been thera tears.just recently switched to genteal gel drops.30/40 percent improvment over the thera tears.need about twenty min.till blurin clears up.and lasts several hours afterwards.....my main question is can i get better stuff?if anyone out there has tried genteal ide like there feed back.if ther are better drops(like dr.hollys drops)ide like to know.many of you seem partial to them.ive wanted to put a gun to my head for several weeks. any feed back on better drops? thanks for listening...don
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intro and a few questions
Hi, don lute.
I'm sorry to hear about your suffering. It's good that you are finding help with Genteal! I use the gel version for severe dry eye at night, and I really have come to rely on it.
I thought that I would respond, because I am one of those people who are "partial" to Dr. Holly's drops. I prefer Dwelle, and I have a problem with recurrent corneal erosions. What drops are best really depends on your symptoms. Can you talk a little more about them?
re liz
thanks for the reply number one,my dry eye is age related,and i simply have been in denial that this will go away by itself!so on,and so on.the worst part of this is im 62,have to drive 50 mi.round trip,cant re-locate.and within the last 6 mo. im slowly going mad.light sensitivity is a major problem,or going from light to dark makes it even worse.it seems ive been using genteal for a week.worked great at first,already isnt doing as well as when i started.the eyes must become accustom to new things very quickly. my second bigest proablem is the common hand full of sand thrown in my face.the burning,the headaches,yada,yada,the lack of understanding by my friends and family doesnt help either."ive got a bad case of dry eye",gee to bad must be a drag.my only redeaming help is puting my head back and looking out the bottom of my eyes.i cant even ware prescription glasses,the clarity just makes it worse. ive turned down restasis cause of the money issue.nothing works more then 15 or twenty mins.i also soak my eyes in hot compresses in the mornig and at night.i also find relief in close up,such as reading or even the computer.thats about it. thanks ,don
Originally posted by don lute View Post...part of this is im 62,have to drive 50 mi.round trip,cant re-locate.and within the last 6 mo....
light sensitivity is a major problem,or going from light to dark makes it even worse....
my second bigest proablem is the common hand full of sand thrown in my face....
my only redeaming help is puting my head back and looking out the bottom of my eyes....
ive turned down restasis cause of the money issue.nothing works more then 15 or twenty mins
Can you drive without prescription glasses? - I've got a good pair of Panoptx (foam-lined moisture-retaining sunglasses) donated by a user here that I've been saving for a situation like this. If you would email me your address I will get it to you along with a couple of other things I'd like you to try. Just click on my name and choose "Send email to..." I am terribly sorry to hear about your situation but believe me there is help to be had and you must keep up your hope and hang in there with us!Rebecca Petris
The Dry Eye Foundation