Im glad i found this site. Im 27 yrs old and Ive been suffering with red eyes for several years now. It began with wearing contacts for 4yrs. The last 2 years ive been using Visine LR, i wish i knew the long term effects before i started using them daily to relieve my dry itchy eyes. I was pouring the drops on my eyes upto 6 times daily, and just recently the last 2 months ive weened myself off a little to 1 drop twice a day, my eyes still look like hell after i wake up from a nap. On my days off of work i stay indoors afraid of any social interactions with ppl because i feel like a freak. Its horrible when i run into friends in a brightly lit room and they assume im stoned, its fustrating. My social life is horrible, its hard to talk to girls now, i dont get any phone numbers at parties anymore. Ive taken this semester off of school so that i have time to visit the doctors about my problem. So far after 5 visits to different doctors and two optometrist over a 8month period of no answers, i finally recieved an appointment with one of Kaisers opthamtomalogist next week,Seems like they will never get better. Ive read almost every post here in search of hope.
I read somewhere about cotton balls soaked in skimmed milk over the eyes, does that work?
I read somewhere about cotton balls soaked in skimmed milk over the eyes, does that work?