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Another new guy

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  • Another new guy

    I'm a long-time lurker on SurgicalEyes but this is my first time here. At SE I'm koneall. Here I'm kaypeeoh (KPO).

    Executive version of my story:

    In 1997 I had bilateral LASIK. Instantly I lost my night vision. I had to sell my ranch home to move into town because of not being able to drive after sunset. This was in the early days of LASIK before Alphagan and RGP contact lenses. On SE I found out about alphagan but it caused corneal swelling that took 3 days to subside. Then I found 1/8th percent pilocarpine. That works for me, allowing me to drive in the dark. Then again on SE I found RGP contacts. It took three years and three different optometrists before I got lenses that were comfortable.

    Here's my problem; Because of a 1-2 second tear break up time I can't tolerate the lenses for more than two hours a day. I don't have dry eyes. Blepharitis treatment did not help. Doxycycline gave me a rash. Wetting drops do not work. Restasis is 0.05% cyclosporine. As a veterinarian I've dispensed cyclosporin in corn oil for nearly 20 years in strengths up to 0.5%. I tried it on myself with little improvement. The TBUT went from 2 seconds to 8 seconds. I've tried every eyedrop on the market. As soon as a new one enters the market, I try it. The only thing that helps is Aquify; sodium hyaluronate eyedrops. I eat salmon twice weekly. I take 2 grams of flax seed oil daily. I gave up caffeine. I don't drink or use drugs.

    I've read about testosterone eyedrops. I had my blood levels tested and testosterone was normal. On this site I read about NAC and glutathione. I may try that next. On one of these sites I read about a new type of eyeglass. A wavefront kind of machine measures the eyes and sends the data to another machine that uses the info to construct lenses. I'm not hopeful but I have an appointment at the end of September to see what happens.

    After three different surgical consults I've given up on the idea of surgical help with the night vision problems. If I could tolerate the RGP contacts for 8 hours a day I would be happy with that. I would sign off from all these web sites and get on with living.

    I know this message sound like I need treatment for depression. :-) But I work and do 90% of what I did before LASIK. I don't have eye pain and don't need lubrication drops. Overall I'm happy things aren't worse. I've had brief periods where the Contacts allowed me to do the things I did before LASIK. Last week I ran a race in Colorado. The race started at 3AM, requiring me to wear contacts til dawn. I was able to run easily in the dark.


  • #2
    Hi KPO,

    Have you ever looked at this page on the Aging Eye website?

    NAC supplements and dosage suggestions are mentioned toward the end of the page under Antioxidant Treatment. I have used the NAC (600mg) and glutathione supplement by GNC. I don't believe that particular combination by GNC is available anymore. I think it was a little too much NAC for me anyway. My plan now is to take one 100mg NAC supplement three times/day.

    It seemed as though 600mg was doing 'something' for me eye-wise but I found I was battling blemishes quite a bit. I want to see if I can scoot by with 300mg/day or less.

    It's nice to see you here.

    "People may not always remember exactly what you said or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel." ~ Unknown


    • #3
      Aging Eye Times

      What a great website, I learned alot and maybe my eye make up (I use cliniue) or nails (I do get a fill/manicure every 3 weeks) is having an allergic reaction. I have switched to all types of non allergic mascera's and seem to see no difference. This is the first time I have read about "nails".
      I am a professional sales woman and it would be very difficult (age 48) to go without make up & nails.
      Has anyone done the T.E.S.T. allergic for make up?? I have been a chronic dye eye/MGD suffer for about 2 years and always looking for some relief!!!


      • #4
        Welcome New Guy

        I haven't posted anything in awhile as I haven't tried anything new and my MGD is still the same. I take 1000 mgs of Gluth and 600mgs of NAC and nothing has improved. I was diagnosed with MGD earlier this year, I have had it for 2 years, I have dry eyes in the morning and throughout the day, but the worst problem I have is the "stringy mucus" that I have to pull out every freaking minute of the day. I haven't had a TBU test done and I don't even care anymore as I have gave up on trying to find a cure for this eye trouble I suffer from. I have also noticed that many people have ruined their own eyes by doing this laser surgery and its really sad. Also I have tried every kind of new and old eye drop too and nothing seems to work except I really like the Nutra Tear that this site sells. Besides MGD I was diagonsed with severe Lattice Degeneration. Anyway I just wanted to welcome you to this site, it helps and the people are wonderful. Delilah


        • #5
          Originally posted by clc
          What a great website, I learned alot and maybe my eye make up (I use cliniue) or nails (I do get a fill/manicure every 3 weeks) is having an allergic reaction. I have switched to all types of non allergic mascera's and seem to see no difference. This is the first time I have read about "nails".
          I am a professional sales woman and it would be very difficult (age 48) to go without make up & nails.
          Has anyone done the T.E.S.T. allergic for make up?? I have been a chronic dye eye/MGD suffer for about 2 years and always looking for some relief!!!
          Fake nails are extremely bad for the eyes!!!!!! Alot of the products used to put them on irratate your eyes, I know because I use to wear fake nails. My eyes puffed up so bad I couldn't see, not too mention that bacteria holds to them worse than regular nails. As for eye make-up I only wear it when I go out because my eyes are always watering or I have that problem with the stringy mucus thing. But when I do wear eye make-up I use the nutragina or Almay for allergies and it works nicely. One thing you might do is get your eye lashes tinted so you don't have to wear mascara, you could do this then try a "clear" mascara, clear is more better and won't harm your eyes as much. Also if your not afraid of tattoos you could get permanent eye liner, I love make up and I use to wear it alot until this stupid MGD hit me hard. I hope this info might be of some help, but quit with the fake nails they can really hurt your eyes and make matters worse, maybe just paint your short nails, it will still look pretty. God Bless Delilah


          • #6
            Picture this

            I have moderate dry eye that wouldn't be a problem if I didn't insist on trying to use RGP contacts. I'm 53 and entering that special time of a female's life--arrrgh.
            I love my acrylic nails and I have them done every 3 weeks. But are you ready for this? I pop out my RGP contacts and put on a pair of swimming goggles to protect my eyes. A full-on gas mask would probably work better (one for everyone in the place) but I'm not thinking that would fly.
            I also sit right by the front door. I actually looked for a shop that is configured that way; if the air flow isn't good, I won't go there. Nail salons are certainly toxic places for us and the workers.
            I use Almay and Neutrogena, too, and don't usually have too many problems. My biggest problem is when I put in some drops, it carries in mascara bits and who-know-what-all and feels ever so wonderful grinding around under my contacts. Vanity sure makes us do strange things


            • #7
              Eye make-up for dry eye sufferers

              I have found a really great mascara by Avon called Wash Off Waterproof Mascara. It is waterproof (therefore, doesn't get into eyes with drop use), but washes off with soap and water - no harsh remover needed. Works great for me!


              • #8
                We Need a Vacation Women!!!

                Hi Everyone,
                I think us women need a vacation together lol, we need to be pampered since we suffer so much "being women" trying to look our best and having to suffer from eye problems is such a hassel. I think it would be great if we could start a huge convention to meet everyone on this site, it really would be fantastic!! Can you just see us all, make-up running down our faces with our goggles on lol I always wear my eye glasses because the wind really bothers me bad and Idaho is very windy. I think I am going to try the water proof mascara, I have always been afraid to use it thinking it won't come off and I do use eye make up remover when I do wear make-up, I use Neutragina make-up remover. Anyway I just had to say thank-you for the information and I hope that we all can meet someday Have a wonderful week, Delilah.


                • #9
                  Dry Eye Convention

                  That would be fun - we could start our own Dry Eye Convention!


                  • #10
                    Mascara problem

                    Originally posted by Gaye
                    I have found a really great mascara by Avon called Wash Off Waterproof Mascara. It is waterproof (therefore, doesn't get into eyes with drop use), but washes off with soap and water - no harsh remover needed. Works great for me!
                    I have found that every mascara I try makes my eyes burn, waterproof or otherwise. I was able to wear it before Lasik with no problems. However, I may try the Avon Wash Off--sounds good, but I have my doubts. I can wear pencil eyeliner with no irritation, but there must be some ingredient in mascara that doesn't agree with me.


                    • #11

                      Me too - I always seemed to have a problem with mascara - eyeshadow and eyeliner didn't bother me, but mascara did. This one is very benign - doesn't irritate me at all. Could just be me, but this one seems to work.


                      • #12
                        How did a thread started by a guy end up a discussion about makeup
                        Rebecca Petris
                        The Dry Eye Foundation


                        • #13
                          Sign me up!

                          "That would be fun - we could start our own Dry Eye Convention!"

                          Yeah! There would be hundreds of microwaves beeping in the back of the room as they warm up our compresses, we all would have backbacks to carry all the drops and crap we have to take everywhere, we'd be complaining about the humidity of the meeting rooms, etc., etc., etc., Then, there is the little issue of wonderful airplane air and how absolutely fabulous air travel makes our eyes feel!
                          But still, I'd go!

                          My prayers go out to all those people in the Gulf Coast area.


                          • #14
                            Welcome to Kaypeeoh

                            Hello KPO - and welcome to the Dry Eye Zone. You have found a great forum and a lot of great people with many different dry eye problems. I think depression is a big part of this and we have all gone through it at some point or another. You will find some good advise, some laughs and a lot of moral support. Sorry your introduction turned into a discussion on make-up. Somehow we got off the track. But please keep visiting and posting. We're glad you are here.

