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Nasal decongestant spray

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  • Nasal decongestant spray

    Yes, I do use that evil stuff so I can sleep at night. I use a small amount Afrin right before I go to bed. A small bottle lasts for months, so I'm not using very much.
    I'm using Restasis, compresses, omega 3,6, and 9 supplementation, I'm well hydrated, etc., etc., etc. I still can't wear my RGPs for more than a couple of hours because of dryness. I use preservative-free eye-drops and keep my lenses very clean. I'm a middle-aged female and am not on any other meds--I'm as healthy as a horse.

    So, long way to my question: Can nasal decongestant sprays cause eye dryness?


  • #2
    According to a google search on side effects, Afrin causes dryness. It dries your nose up. While it doesn't mention eyes, I would think anything that dries your nose could possibly affect your eyes.
    You could try going without it for a while and see if it makes a difference.


    • #3
      saline nasal spray

      Hi - I use Little Noses saline spray for babies. It doesn't pack the punch of an adult decongestant nasal spray but it helps some, doesn't dry out my eyes or have any negative side-effects that I've experienced.

      There are lots of brands of saline nose spray for infants.

      "People may not always remember exactly what you said or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel." ~ Unknown


      • #4
        My doctor has told me never to use Afrin for more than 3 days because it causes a major rebound effect. I am not sure about the dryness. Have you tried NalselCrom and/or the saline solution?

        To get off of the Afrin, you will have to just spray one nastril until the closed one opens from the rebound. Then stop spraying. It will take a few days to open both nostrils.


        • #5
          Afrin rebound

          Yeah, I know about the rebound effect, but one bottle lasts me for 6 months or so, so I didn't really think I was using too much. I only use it once at night. But still, it's probably a good idea to try and wean off. I've tried saline and find it to be kind of non-effective, but these dry eyes really suck. Hard.


          • #6
            I am sorry Halfmoonbaygal. I know how you feel. I often have to choose whether to breath or sleep or see. Have you ever tried tea tree oil to keep your nose open? That worked with me for a while. I think I will try it again tonight. You just put a little oil on a Qtip and swab each nostril at night before bedtime.


            • #7
              You just put a little oil on a Qtip and swab each nostril at night before bedtime.
              Growing up, we always used Vicks Vaporub. I can hear the youngest members here saying "what's that?"

              You aren't supposed to, but a dab of Vicks on a Q-tip dabbed inside your nostrils helps alot against dryness and will help open a stuffy nose.
              Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

              The Dry Eye Queen


              • #8
                Hey, I'm a spring chicken and I still know what Vicks Vaporub is!
                Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


                • #9
                  Be careful with the Vicks. It is petroleum based and can burn the nose, especially in someone on oxygen. I know people who have burned a hole all the way through their septum. I, myself, cannot use it because I am allergic to petroleum based things for the body.

