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Newbie here! moderate dry eye

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  • Newbie here! moderate dry eye

    Hi everyone.... I am new here, and just want to say that this site has provided alot of valuable information so that I could better understand what dry eye is and how to combat it. I am a 30 years old and healthy but have been dealing with dry eye symptoms for about 18 months now, and was diagnosed only in December. I have punctile plugs in both lower lids, and I began restasis in June. I also do a lot with the refresh drops and lubes at night. I used to wear my contacts ALL the time ... and sadly now I can not. Like trackrunner, I can only wear my contacts for a short-period of time if I don't want to have a flare up...and sometimes that happens anyway.

    I am also taking flaxseed oil and I am increasing the amount of water I drink daily. Currently I am seeing a lot of doctors- my optomistrist was the one who initially diagnosed, then suggested possibly sjrogren's. Since June I have seen specialists in Allergy, Opthomology, and finally Rhumatology. The rhumatologist is running tests currently to rule out/in Sjrogren's disease. I have already tested negative for Lupus. It's very all of you already know... for someone who has always been a very healthy person to all of a sudden have to be explaining to doctors what is going on. I have been quite blessed (this year, not last year) with doctors that are very involved in my care. Although it took me almost a year to find a doctor to figure out what was going on in the first place.

    sorry to be so long...


  • #2
    Hi Sweetmelissa:
    We're glad you found this forum, which as you say, is full of good information.
    Although a year sounds like a long time to get diagnosed with DES, it's really not. It sounds like you have doctors who are on the ball. Some testing for Sjogrens is no small matter. Many docs will just admit you have dry eyes, but no chance of anything else. Good luck on that and hopefully you're just dealing with dry eyes. Amazing how devestating dry eyes can be. Doesn't sound serious, but it can wreak havoc in your life.

    More people will come on here in the morning and offer advice and more welcoming. Lucy
    Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

    The Dry Eye Queen


    • #3
      Hi there,

      That is wonderful that you have found Dr's to help, I think for so many people that is half the battle, well the first battle anyway!

      I was lucky enouh to have Rebecca recommend someone and I now believe I am receiving the help I need. It took 12 weeks of suffereing, and I have to say that 12 weeks will be with me for the rest of my life as a life changing experience.

      Welcome to the site!



      • #4
        Thank you.... it's just one day at a time, that's for sure! hope y'all have a great weekend.

