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Hi, need help

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  • Hi, need help

    My name is Jen and I recently had LASEK one month ago. The actual procedure went well, no immediate side effects. My vision is still very blurry and is about 20/70. The Dr. says that my dry eyes are interfering with healing. The dry eye started about two weeks in, even after contsant use of artificial tears systane. So, I went back in and the Dr. put upper plugs in, cut back pred forte to 3x a day and started me on Restasis and gave me optive drops and Genteal to try. That was a week ago and I am in worse misery. The annoying dry eye is turned painful and all eye drops seem to sting. I have called and they told me to use gel at night that is all. Is this normal? Is chronic dry eye an effect of LASEK/PRK, Iknow it is with Lasik but PRK? Could this be allergies, I was on Elestat prior to the surgery. Any input would be appreciated. I am just fearful about this as I do not seem to be progressing and am in constant discomfort. Thank you

  • #2

    I had LASIK done but understand that PRK can give some initial dry eye. As you are only 1 month in i think there is a good chance you will be ok. It can take a while for the eye to heal. As you don't have a flap that was created your nerves have not been cut.
    With less dry eye as time goes on i expect your blurred eyes will get better and you will see more clearly. If your eyes got worse after taking restatis i would stop that. Maybe its too soon after your surgery to be taking an eye drop that stings/ burns the eyes. I would just use preservative free liquid drops every half an hour throughout the day.
    Best of luck, keep us posted


    • #3

      Thank you for your response. I am tryiing to use preservative free drops now, Refresh Endura. While they sting they seem to work. The Genteal gel is great for nightime. I am currently out of town and I seem to being doing better. My contact intolerance seems to have begun when I moved to a new area three years ago, I developed allergic asthma and allergies then. So, I think that there are some environmental issues, house too? My case may not be as severe as others and may or may not be transient but this outlet helps.


      • #4
        Hi Jen,

        I will just second what Caroline already said. You are very early and will most likely start feeling better soon. Good luck and let us know how you are doing!


