Hello Everyone!
Just to introduce myself I am a 23 year old female living in England who 6 months ago made the worst mistake of her life. That is, I elected to have lasik eye surgery. I knew a few people who have had it done (however they had epi-lasek) and raved that it was the best thing since sliced bread.
I am ashamed and embarrassed to admit the reasons I chose to have the surgery, but feel I must share them as it is significant as to why I feel so bitter and angry at myself. Basically I was vain and didn't like how I looked in glasses. I also wore contacts but found they made my eyes dry at work (computer use) so ended up wearing my glasses during the week and contacts at weekends. So ironically a decision which was mainly led by vanity has had the outcome that my eyes are mainly red, unsightly and irritated by make up. My appearance is far worse than it was before surgery when I had lovely clear white eyes.
Also as with most people, I no longer wanted the 'hassle' of fiddling around with contacts. Now I dream of the days when my biggest worry was cleaning my contacts at night.
Since the surgery my eyes have been dry, red and painful. I am so furious with myself that I did not do enough research into what could go wrong. I did search the internet, but when I read things about 'dry eye' I assumed it was the type of dry eye I had when wearing contacts on the computer (oh how wrong I was) If I had known it would be the pain I experience now I obviously would have walked out of the surgery without looking back.
I think about my eyes ALL THE TIME. It is very hard to forget about something which is constantly painful. I wish I could go back to that day and never have it done. I know there is no use thinking like this as it isn't as if I can turn back time. Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to help myself. My eyes seem to rule most of my waking thoughts.
The laser eye surgery company Optimax have been less than supportive it has to be said. When I walked in for my first consultation the first thing the doctor said to me was 'So, have you done your research on the internet?' I didn't know the doctor expected you to do your own research. I do not know what dry eye test they are meant to do but I certainly did not have a schmirr test.
I am only 23, I had only been wearing contacts for 4 years and my prescription was relatively slight (-2.5 in each eye) and I feel as though I have paid £3,000 for someone to butcher my eyes. I honestly cannot believe I have done this to myself.
Two weeks ago I was fitted with silicone lowers plugs. They have made a marginal difference when I am at home all day with no make up on. However as soon as I put on make up, enter air conditioning or use a computer they are as bad as they ever were. I have been taking flax seed oil for 5 months and recently switched to fish oil. I also take a nutritional eye supplement with bilberry and evening primrose oil.
As I am 6 months post lasik is this it for me now? Are my nerves well and truly severed? Some places I read they give a period of 6 months for the nerves to grow back and other places I see it is more like a 6-12 months. Does anyone know more about this?
I am considering getting my uppers plugged but am concerned that this will discourage the nerves to grow back. That might sound stupid but from what I understand nerves need to fire to make connections, will teary eyes mean the nerves don't work so hard to grow back? If I am talking rubbish someone please tell me I won't be offended.
Sorry for such a rant. I honestly do not feel as though I can talk to anyone I know about this as they do not understand which is fair enough. I have kept this bottled up for 6 months. 'Dry eyes' sounds like a minor complaint until you experience it yourself. I am so grateful to find a site with people I can relate to.
Anyway I will stop now, but if anyone can offer any advice about the nerve re growth and upper plugs I would be really grateful
Thanks people x
Just to introduce myself I am a 23 year old female living in England who 6 months ago made the worst mistake of her life. That is, I elected to have lasik eye surgery. I knew a few people who have had it done (however they had epi-lasek) and raved that it was the best thing since sliced bread.
I am ashamed and embarrassed to admit the reasons I chose to have the surgery, but feel I must share them as it is significant as to why I feel so bitter and angry at myself. Basically I was vain and didn't like how I looked in glasses. I also wore contacts but found they made my eyes dry at work (computer use) so ended up wearing my glasses during the week and contacts at weekends. So ironically a decision which was mainly led by vanity has had the outcome that my eyes are mainly red, unsightly and irritated by make up. My appearance is far worse than it was before surgery when I had lovely clear white eyes.
Also as with most people, I no longer wanted the 'hassle' of fiddling around with contacts. Now I dream of the days when my biggest worry was cleaning my contacts at night.
Since the surgery my eyes have been dry, red and painful. I am so furious with myself that I did not do enough research into what could go wrong. I did search the internet, but when I read things about 'dry eye' I assumed it was the type of dry eye I had when wearing contacts on the computer (oh how wrong I was) If I had known it would be the pain I experience now I obviously would have walked out of the surgery without looking back.
I think about my eyes ALL THE TIME. It is very hard to forget about something which is constantly painful. I wish I could go back to that day and never have it done. I know there is no use thinking like this as it isn't as if I can turn back time. Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to help myself. My eyes seem to rule most of my waking thoughts.
The laser eye surgery company Optimax have been less than supportive it has to be said. When I walked in for my first consultation the first thing the doctor said to me was 'So, have you done your research on the internet?' I didn't know the doctor expected you to do your own research. I do not know what dry eye test they are meant to do but I certainly did not have a schmirr test.
I am only 23, I had only been wearing contacts for 4 years and my prescription was relatively slight (-2.5 in each eye) and I feel as though I have paid £3,000 for someone to butcher my eyes. I honestly cannot believe I have done this to myself.
Two weeks ago I was fitted with silicone lowers plugs. They have made a marginal difference when I am at home all day with no make up on. However as soon as I put on make up, enter air conditioning or use a computer they are as bad as they ever were. I have been taking flax seed oil for 5 months and recently switched to fish oil. I also take a nutritional eye supplement with bilberry and evening primrose oil.
As I am 6 months post lasik is this it for me now? Are my nerves well and truly severed? Some places I read they give a period of 6 months for the nerves to grow back and other places I see it is more like a 6-12 months. Does anyone know more about this?
I am considering getting my uppers plugged but am concerned that this will discourage the nerves to grow back. That might sound stupid but from what I understand nerves need to fire to make connections, will teary eyes mean the nerves don't work so hard to grow back? If I am talking rubbish someone please tell me I won't be offended.
Sorry for such a rant. I honestly do not feel as though I can talk to anyone I know about this as they do not understand which is fair enough. I have kept this bottled up for 6 months. 'Dry eyes' sounds like a minor complaint until you experience it yourself. I am so grateful to find a site with people I can relate to.
Anyway I will stop now, but if anyone can offer any advice about the nerve re growth and upper plugs I would be really grateful
Thanks people x