I had lasik performed about 14 months ago. I had no post op problems untill 3 months later, 91 days to be exact, when overnight I woke up and my left eye was difficult to open and felt stiff. I have no problems with the right eye. After going to my doctor and back to the lasik surgeon they both told me "the flap looks good" but offered no diagnosis. I started to search the internet and realized based on the symptoms I have dry eye. The thing that gets me is the delay in the onset and the only one eye. I guess it has to do with the healing process.
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Lasik Dry Eye
Sorry to hear about your dry eye problem. I had lasik in 2001, and the dry eye pain wasn't apparent until a few months later. I have a theory about that. Lasik cuts the corneal nerves. Until the nerves begin to grow back, there's little sensation in the eye, so you can't feel that your eyes are dry. Then the pain and other problems hit.
This site has a wealth of information about dry eye, it's wonderful that you have found it. BTW, my eyes were very dry for a long time, but did eventually improve. Everyone has a different healing schedule, so don't despair. All the best.
It's very comon for the dry eye problem to start some time after the lasik procedure. I think mine became problematic between 30-60 days post op. This eye surgery sure makes for weird problems that no one has an answer for. LucyDon't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.
The Dry Eye Queen
Hi there
Mine started a couple of months after but it has improved in the last 3 years so don't think that this will never go a way. This site is invaluable and will stop you making many of the mistakes we all made at the start. Best tip i can give is to log your symptoms and try to measure progress particularly when you try new treatments