I first want to say how wonderful it is that this web site exists. It is so hard to explain to people (family and friends) how miserable dry eye really is. Thank you.
I am a Leukemia (AML) survivor, 1 year post transplant I have been battlling dry eye now for about 4 months. I have tried most all the drops on the market but now am sticking with preservative free ones. I am also on Restasis. I have tried the plugs which did not work. My doctor suggested I try cauterization of the ducts. After being assured this was reversable I went ahead and had it done. I noticed it allowed me to retain about 20% more tears than what i had. but going from practically nothing, it still wasn't much help. As you can imagine I am in misery. Going from such a battle to beat Leukemia this should be a minor bump in the road but it is not. My oncologist thought that the Boston foundation for sight might be of some help. I have spoken with Bill, watched all the videos on the net, and have faxed over my medical records. I just want to make sure before I spend all the money, that I have exhausted all my resources. My eye doctor seems to think I should give the Restasis some more time to work. He has said that it could take up to 6 months to work. I just don't think I can wait that long. I feel health enough to go back to work, but my eyes are holding me back.
Please, any advise you all would have would really help. I am very close to trying the Boston Lenses but It will be a very expensive procedure. I do have good insurance, but airfare, food and lodging for up to 2 weeks could really add up. I have tried looking for info on you sight but I am limited on the amount of time spent on the computer because it is painful on the eyes!
Thank you for all your help. This is a great service to all who suffer from this very serious problem.
I first want to say how wonderful it is that this web site exists. It is so hard to explain to people (family and friends) how miserable dry eye really is. Thank you.
I am a Leukemia (AML) survivor, 1 year post transplant I have been battlling dry eye now for about 4 months. I have tried most all the drops on the market but now am sticking with preservative free ones. I am also on Restasis. I have tried the plugs which did not work. My doctor suggested I try cauterization of the ducts. After being assured this was reversable I went ahead and had it done. I noticed it allowed me to retain about 20% more tears than what i had. but going from practically nothing, it still wasn't much help. As you can imagine I am in misery. Going from such a battle to beat Leukemia this should be a minor bump in the road but it is not. My oncologist thought that the Boston foundation for sight might be of some help. I have spoken with Bill, watched all the videos on the net, and have faxed over my medical records. I just want to make sure before I spend all the money, that I have exhausted all my resources. My eye doctor seems to think I should give the Restasis some more time to work. He has said that it could take up to 6 months to work. I just don't think I can wait that long. I feel health enough to go back to work, but my eyes are holding me back.
Please, any advise you all would have would really help. I am very close to trying the Boston Lenses but It will be a very expensive procedure. I do have good insurance, but airfare, food and lodging for up to 2 weeks could really add up. I have tried looking for info on you sight but I am limited on the amount of time spent on the computer because it is painful on the eyes!
Thank you for all your help. This is a great service to all who suffer from this very serious problem.