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Newly Diagnosed

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  • Newly Diagnosed

    I am new to this forum. I was recently diagnosed with Corneal Basement Membrane Dystrophy. When I came home from the opthamologist I immediately ran to the computer to learn more about what I had. This is when I stumbled on to this forum. I had this condition for 10 years going from doctor to doctor with recurring corneal ulcers. No one could find the reason for them. When I got my first ulcer, I was wearing contacts and the Dr. then decided it was something under my contact that I rubbed against my eye. Three doctors later, I was told to give up the contacts because obviously they were not agreeing with my eyes. I gave up the contacts. That was over 5 yrs. ago. I continued to get ulcers no matter what I did or didn't do. The Doctors were puzzled and were ready for me to address the issue with my PCP to see if it might be a medical condition causing them. Then last week I went to the same opthamologist who spotted the first ulcer. Ureka! he said. I know whats causing you to get these ulcers. And so, I was diagnosed and started treatment (ie:Muro 128 ointment @ night, artificial tears 4-6 times daily, hot compresses in the mornings). Hopefully, this will prevent any more. Its interesting to read everyones stories here. Gives me more insight on what has been happening to my eyes.

  • #2
    Good old basement membrane disease/dystrophy. It is called sometimes Epithelium Basement Membrane Dystrophy or Corneal Basement Membrane Dystrophy and maybe a few others.

    Many of us have it on this board. You will find the best information right here on DEZ. We know more than most eye doctors!

    One word of caution, don't let any doctor (or anyone else) to talk you into having Lasik or PRK surgery. Added to the just makes things worse and more painful. Hope you have good luck with your problem. Lucy
    Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

    The Dry Eye Queen

