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  • meibomitis

    Hello, I have been battling eye problems for 8 months and was just diagnosed with meibomitis and am excited about finding this website and learning how others are dealing with their conditions.I am wondering if it is true that most opthamologists do not truly understand or know how to treat this condition.My opthamologist seems to be clueless and completely oblivious of the severe discomfort that patients endure and he sent me to Boston where I was diagnosed.I was told to use the eyemask by thera tears and wonder if anyone has had success with this?I wish you all improvement and relief.Sandra Lee

  • #2

    Hi -

    Glad to have you here. Many of us suffer from MGD (meibomitis). This is all trial and error which is why it is important to find a good doctor. Are you in the city? If so, you have the one of the best dry eye docs in the world there - Dr Latkany. If you are in NYC, make yourself an appt to be seen by him. He can help you.



    • #3
      Originally posted by Gretchen View Post
      Hi -

      Glad to have you here. Many of us suffer from MGD (meibomitis). This is all trial and error which is why it is important to find a good doctor. Are you in the city? If so, you have the one of the best dry eye docs in the world there - Dr Latkany. If you are in NYC, make yourself an appt to be seen by him. He can help you.

      Gretchen,Thank You for responding to my post.I have been so wanting to talk with others with this condition.I am from Central NY and my present Dr. is in Syracuse NY.I was recently diagnosed by Dr. Stephen Foster from Boston.I will look into Dr.Latkany and many thanks to you.Do you also experience extreme blurriness?Sometimes it is not as bad as others.My Dr. said it is the oils I am looking through,but the Dr. in boston said my oil glands are like cement so I am confused.I would like to know if the blurriness is also a symptom with others or just me. Sandra lee


      • #4
        My main problem was extreme blurriness. Thats how my dry eyes started. I didnt know i was dry, only that something impaired my vision. My vision is clear with glasses but blurry with contact lenses. I found one pair that doesnt blur my vision, True eye silicon lenses, but i can only where them for 1-2 hour before they dry my eyes out.


        • #5
          Same with me,when I put my glasses on I have clear vision.Good luck to you


          • #6
            Not that I know for sure but I am under the impression that "dry eyes" or lack of tears in the eye can cause blurriness. The eye is designed to look through nice healthy tears, and if they are not there then the vision can be distorted.

            However, there are other things that cause bad vision. After I do my warm compresses my vision is blurry, I put that down to oil being released with the heat but I am not sure.

            Get yourself a copy of the book that Dr. Latkany wrote. I believe it is for sale in the dry eye store, or that it is free and you only pay shipping. This book will give you a good understanding of dry eye, and you will read it in a couple of hours.

            Good lcuk and welcome.



            • #7
              Thanks Bernadette

              Thank You for replying.I am finding so many good things out on this site!My doc told me it was looking through the oils but I have also heard it is the dryness.I just picked up Dr. Latkany's book and hope there is info in it.As I have reacted to all medications and doxy there is nothing more my doc says he can do,that I have to accept it as part of my life and live with it.So,I am just going to keep trying different things and I am going to a Wellness Clinic in July to see if we can get my oil glands healthy again.I really feel so bad for all of the people that are worse off than me and am so happy that this site is available for us all.Yes,my eyes are a little blurry after a soak and massage but that is short term.I am concerned with the fact that it is clearer in the morning and at different times during the day??????I wish more Dr's would have the caring and compassion that would sure make patients feel some comfort.I wish you well!Sandralee

