I joined this site because I have absolutely no idea what is wrong with my eyes, and thought maybe this could give me guidance. I've struggled with my eyes for about a year. They started out just being red with no other symptoms. I brought it up to my eye doctor while getting a vision exam, and she said it looked like I had Blepharitis. She gave me some samples of Ocusoft to try. It didn't help at all. It seems that even if my eyelids are completely clean, they are still red. Not bloodshot, but definitely veinly and not pretty looking. Lately my eyes have also gotten a little itchy and sometimes burn, but those symptoms aren't very severe. My eyes are simply red, all the time. It's worst in the mornings, and gets a bit better during the day, then worse again at night when my eyes get tired. Sometimes, they will look good in the lighting at home, then when I get to the flourescent lighting at school, they look terrible. When I brought it up to my regular doctor recently, he said they looked a bit dry and gave me a brand of eye drops to buy. Again, nothing. I'm thinking I might have ocular rosacea, but I just don't know!
I've tried pretty much everything. Eyedrops, warm compresses, cold compresses, rice baggies. Nothing has really improved it.
I'm going to try and see an actual eye doctor soon, but I was just wondering what you guys think might be wrong.
I've tried pretty much everything. Eyedrops, warm compresses, cold compresses, rice baggies. Nothing has really improved it.
I'm going to try and see an actual eye doctor soon, but I was just wondering what you guys think might be wrong.