red burning eyes in morning whenever i go to airport, stay in hotel. Always worse? This dust mite allergy maybe. When i get in shower, i cant use certain fragrances. Causes my chest to get blotchy red. Think all of this is related. Allergies. BUt doc said no allergies beacuse eyes dont itch. They burn sometiems as well and if i workout and sweat, eyes get worse. But like i said, i stay in airport for hour or so, eyes burn like crazy and skin gets flushes also. Think its some skin care product??? or allergy to cosmetic or dry eyes? I am 28/m. Very good health. So not typical dry eyes would occur. BUt i think allergies might be drying me out? I flush also in face as eyes burn when this happens. No rosacea either. Been to many docs who cant help. Been going on two years. ALlergies only thing i tested positive for but i dont itch, prob not allergies??
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Hi Shane,
I would not think that just because your eyes don't itch this is not allergy related. Do your eyes feel better when you use eyedrops? I've read on this site that many people are not diagnosed with Rosacea by regular Dr. or dermatologist, then go to optometrist, have testing and are told they do have Rosacea. Keep searching and you will get your answers or will at least find ways to handle your symptoms. Lots of good tips here. Please be patient. Best wishes... Judy