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USEFUL CONTACTS IN EUROPE (Doctors, IPL, Probing, Pharmacies, etc.)

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  • USEFUL CONTACTS IN EUROPE (Doctors, IPL, Probing, Pharmacies, etc.)

    I know in the US many of us go from one State to the next looking for the right doctor or the treatment we need and it does cost a lot more money to do it than it does to travel from country to county in Western Europe, so it occurred to me to create a thread that can be a point of reference for all the DE sufferers on this side of the Atlantic.

    I think it can include:


    and as many other categories as we need.

    Being afflicted with dry eye is bad enough, and running around spending time and money in search for the right doctor or the right medicine only adds to our frustration. I guess what I'm proposing would be a thread similar to "plug a doc" centered on the specific needs of the European Community.
    Last edited by Ariel; 08-May-2010, 11:33.

  • #2
    The vissum institute in spain can prepare PRP drops (blood serum) and the cost is low for a 3 month supply that you keep in the freezer.

    People in the EU can get restasis without a prescription from (its legit).
    I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


    • #3

      I went to the Vissum Center after reading your first posting about it a while back. Here is what happened:


      • #4
        I did get the serum at the Vissum Center last week. A three-month supply for 180 Euros. It is the only place in Spain where I know you can get it and it took them only an hour to prepare it. I've been using it for almost a week now.


        • #5
          I've found a reputable medical lab in Spain that will prepare Autologous Serum in any concentration desired at a fraction of the cost in the UK and the US. (No go with the Vissum Center in Alicante).

          I've also located an international pharmacy that will ship any American drugs like Restasis to any country. They can also prepare compounded Cyclosporine in a non-itching-and-burning formula for those of us who can't tolerate the oil base of Restasis. They can make it in any strength beyond 0.02% and ship it worldwide.

          I hope this can be helpful to those of you being forced to cope with the many obstacles to getting Autologous Serum drops in the UK and other parts of Europe. You can fly to Spain with Ryanair for next to nothing.

          All we need now is to find an IPL practitioner on this side of the Atlantic! Any help in this area will be greatly appreciated.

          Send me a PM if you need more info.
          Last edited by Ariel; 23-Jul-2010, 22:57.


          • #6
            There is a Dry Eye Center in London, UK where you can have IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatment. £600 for 4 treatments.



            • #7
              How is a patient supposed to know the right treatment for them is the one being sold though?
              prevention is better than cure, but not for eyes?


              • #8
                We don't. We're looking for docs who say they are interested, demonstrate up-to-date knowledge and an intention to heal or support. Then we make informed decisions with them which treatment might be a good idea. We have to beware sales targets, advertising and business tactics. I take my car to different garages depending what's needed. Remember, medical staff are all paid for professional services, one way or another. Even if they treat as volunteers, interestingly, they are held to professional standards.
                Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


                • #9
                  Is there anyway of getting restasis or something that is strong enough so the eyes makes tears? The water part specifically. I tried that site mentioned but nothing I know one place in house pharmacy but you need a prescription I'm going to somewhere useful in 3 weeks but can't stand not getting relief from eye drops or gels. I know inflammation is involved but what I was using just doesn't work. It would be helpful if someone could help me with this. thanks~


                  • #10
                    Confocal microscopy in the UK

                    Mr. Scott Hau Moorfields Private Hospital London

                    Very happy with Mr. Hau's approach and the written report on my nerve and eye health afterwards.


                    • #11
                      For meibomian gland probing contact Mr. Myer Yodaiken at either the Dry Eye Clinic in Manchester or Spire Hospital Manchester.

                      He also does Lippiview, Lippiflow, Blelphex, and manual gland expression.


                      • #12
                        Info from twitter, from

                        ''Etty Bitton
                        Very proud of my grad student from France who just completed her theses in the field of #dryeye.
                        Bravo Clementine Branger.''

                        in case someone needs a new doctor in the future


                        • #13
                          is there any Autologous Serum drops lab in Europe please? First post is from 2010, not sure it its still available or the best option
                          I also require Restasis eye drops to be purchased preferably from Europe, with or without prescription, since locally they went out of stock for quite a while now.

                          many thanks and Happy new year


                          • #14
                            Vissum in Alicante Spain. I believe there are also in Madrid


                            • #15
                              In response to Ariel's original posting many moons ago, I have a professional facing website that contains The Dry Eye Referral Directory, originally set up so that fellow UK Eye Care and Health Care Professionals could refer patients to practitioners that specialise in dry eye care, but I'm sure it's used by patients as well. Anyone is welcome to use it to contact a practice, there is no charge, then take time to discuss thoroughly your case, history and symptoms to decide if you wish to proceed further. I should add practices paid an original fee to be part of the Directory, but I receive no commission from them for you contacting or visiting them. Please read the guidance notes at the top of the Directory. I hope it can help.

