The corners of my eyes get very itchy from time to time.More so on the bottom inner lid,near my tear ducts.I have no discharge so i know they're not infected but can anyone share their thoughts as to why this maybe happening? I have red eyes which i think maybe due to rosacea but not 100% sure.
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Itchy eyes!!
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Hey peepers,
I have that as well sometimes in the corner of my eyes. It could be due to an allergy. Have you used any new eye drops recently? You could be allergic to the preservative in eye drops. It is also possible because of dry eyes, there are less tears to wash away the allergens that may be stuck on the surface of your eyes. You could try taking an antihistamine eye drop to see if it helps. If it does you can be sure it's an allergic reaction. Allergies often cause red eyes as well.If only I had known, I would have taken better care of my eyes....... I want to turn back the hands of time
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I know of 2 brands. Previously I was given Zaditen for my dry eyes. It is both an NSAID and an antihistamine eye drop. I think the one for antihistamine alone is called Zaditor.
The other one that I was recently given but have not used yet is called Naphcon-A. I told the doctor that i would only use it if needed. It contains both an antihistamine and a decongestant. The decongestant basically eliminates redness. It kinda works like visine. Hence, it is not too good to use it too often in the long term as i suspect i may cause rebound redness.If only I had known, I would have taken better care of my eyes....... I want to turn back the hands of time
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I've used 3 different allergy eyedrops in the past. They are all prescription.
Crolom (cromolyn sodium). This is a mast cell stabilizer. Mast cells secrete histamine which makes you feel itchy. So it makes the mast cells secrete less histamine.
Elestat (epinistine). This is an H1 and H2 histamine receptor blocker. This means it blocks the histamine molecule from binding to the histamine receptors so that the histamine molecule cannot exert its effect. So you don't feel itchy.
Patanol (olopatadine). This is a mast cell stabilizer and a selective H1 histamine receptor blocker. So it kind of works like Crolom and Elestat combined.
They all work for me. I never found one to be significantly better than another. I currently use Crolom b/c it's the only one available in generic, so it is much less expensive for me.
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