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dry eye specialist in belgium?

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  • dry eye specialist in belgium?


    Can anyone advise me a dry eye specialist from belgium? I have severe dry eyes, 4 plugs, right eye is liveable now, but left eye still hurts a lot, especially in the bottom eyelid. Is there somebody here from belgium??


    PS, my motherlanguage is dutch

  • #2
    Hello, Sabine!

    I don't know about any good eyedoctors in Belgium, but I know a very good one in Paris...ok...not really an answer to your question, but Paris is not that far away from Belgium (at least not in Norwegian meanings). His name is Christophe Baudouin, and is a well known specialist of dry eyes (I have been there once and is going there again soon).

    Greetings from Toril


    • #3
      ohhps,..I forgot....ik praat een beetje nederlands :-D


      • #4

        Hi Toril,

        Paris isn't nextdoor, indeed. You go to paris for a doctor's visit or you happen to be there on a journey or bussiness trip?? Even if I would go there, then I would have to explain everything in french to him?

        Anyone els a suggestion?

        Leuk dat je Nederlands praat!!! Waar heb je dat geleerd?



        • #5
          Hi again!

          Well, I deciced to go to Paris as there are no dry eye specialists in Norway. I combined it with a little holiday. It would be either Paris or the US I think,..maybe also London... There are not so many dry eye specialists around. Somewhere on this board someone gave a link with the list of the dry eye specialists in the world (I think Neil had that list?), so you might look for it and see if there are anyone closer to you than in Paris.

          I lived in Holland for 9 months in 2002/2003, so that explains my Dutch knowledge...

          Groetjes van Toril

          PS: Dr. Baudouin speaks fluently English.
          Last edited by Toril; 24-Mar-2007, 14:40. Reason: Forgot something


          • #6
            Hoi Toril,

            Have you been helped by this doctor? Was it worth the trip? Do you also have plugs? Can you tell me something more about your situation or can i find it here on the website?



            • #7
              Sabine, I wrote you a private mail!



              • #8
                Welkom Sabine,
                sorry I couldn't reply for quite some time here. I'm involved in discussions with the French ministry of Health re. scleral reimbursement. Made some notable progress... then i had a minor central KPS this week-end and could see much from left eye. Anyway... I'll be a little bit more available this week I hope.
                Keratos (our association) has a member + contact person in Belgium. i could contact her if you're interest (she's francophone) and ask her to get in touch with you. There are very famous doctors in BXL (the one that did the salivary graft for instance but does he have a private practice? dunno).
                The other option is to help you out if you come to Paris later on (after the pollen period... and probably when the Baudouin team will have an appointment available, most likely september or so).
                Als u blief...
                I'm also looking for a specialist in Northern France for 2 persons (near Lille/ Rijsel) who are unhappy with their treatment there so maybe later ... more info.
                Let me make it clear that It's not Keratos who's suggesting one doc in particular, the law forbids us (as an association) to name one specialist but we are allowed name a center or an hospital with expertise in the area.... or ask a member to send you a private information to circumvent that problem.
                let me know a little bit more about your case (what have you tried? cause? etc?) and I may have an additional idea.

                Take care


                • #9

                  Yes, you can ask this contact person to get in touch with me. If she knows specialists in Brussel, that would be possible for me, it's only 1 hour to drive to Brussel.
                  My situation, lasik induced dry eyes, very severe, without plugs I would be blind. All 3 layers of my tearfilm are damaged, now I have 4 intracanniculair plugs, right eye is comfortable now, left eye still dry.
                  I sleep with vaseline, duratears.
                  I am not able to work anymore since lasik. I let my eyes rest alot.
                  My email is



                  • #10

                    hoi sabine,

                    ik heb het droge oog syndroom door het dragen van contactlenzen, ik draag namelijk al 7 jaar zachte lenzen, ik ben 2 keer naar de oogarts gegaan en kreeg te horen dat mijn traanvocht te snel verdampt.
                    Ik heb er nu al 5 maanden last van sinds 1 juni.
                    Ik moet in november weer naar de oogarts, heb al veel dinge zelf geprobeerd.

                    Ben jij al naar een oogarts gegaan in brussel of ergens anders, die jou verder heeft kunnen helpen???

                    sterkte ermee

