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Drops ,Do we need them??

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  • Drops ,Do we need them??

    Im going through a patch now when my eyes are actually better without drops. Over the years ive probably done them all some make matters worse in hours ,some dont help at all ( most)and some are ok ish for a few days a week or so but then same again get worse you know the bad irratation stinging etc.

    On reading loads of posts here it does seem that for some and me included i think they actually make matters worse!

    Myself ,Ive never really found a drop that really helpsand if it does its only very short lived untill the condition gets worse.

    Has anyone given up on them completetly and feel better for it???

    Rich. UK

  • #2
    I know what you mean.

    Hi, Rich!

    I have been having that wonderful feeling at times, myself. One of the best things that I learned from Rebecca is to listen to my eyes (though she does not phrase it as stupidly as I just did!). On the odd day when my eyes feel good, I don't add drops. I am being weaned off of my prescription drops, and, therefore, I am not dropping at regular intervals. When I was, I must have really needed them. I was like a junkie, pining for the drops that were still an hour and a half away. It is a great feeling to think, "Is it time for drops?" No! AND, I feel okay, dare I say, "Normal"?

    When my eyes start to burn or get that "menthol feeling" that Rojzen so perceptively describes, then I add Dwelle. However, the great thing about Dwelle is that it helps one not to need it, unlike other drug-store eye drops that have the opposite effect.

    Glad to hear this news in your progess!



    • #3
      Hi Rich - like you i felt drops (ocular lubricants) were adding a foreign substance to my tear film and i seemed to react to them. I am much better than i was and only use celluvisc if i feel my eyes start burning
      So i supose only once or twice every other day,and i could go several days without now. I do use claramist eye lid spray though more often
      I also make myself yawn to produce my own tears whenever i feel them dry.I do this first , then claramist and lastly celluvisc
      I was seen by the optician recently who confirmed that my tear film though thin is intact - and it certainly feels like it is thank God


      • #4
        Agree with all of the above.

        For me, less is definitely more - except for the compresses of course.
        Those I perform religiously, morning and night, followed by lid massage and wiping, though I won't use lid scrubs, or any other chemical for that matter.

        And, most important, protection. I ALWAYS carry my goggles, both plain and tinted for wearing over my glasses - so if I'm somewhere with a/c or in the wind it protects my eyes. Just 5 minutes in a big store can ruin things for the day for me.

        I'm also looking very carefully at the labels on my personal care products - just returned from WHole Foods with new shampoo, conditioner and body lotion. There are so many chemicals one has to be careful to avoid...even Johnsons Baby Shampoo contains Sodium Laryl engine cleaner!!! and the docs tell you to wipe your eyelids with it!!!

        honestly, sometimes words fail me


        • #5
          Hi, I also found that drops started making my eyes feel worse. I think that we get so used to using them that we just think we need to whether we do or not. I agree that it is like we become junkies. Although, I know that when I needed them, I was sure glad that they were there. I just got so used to putting them in that I didn't give my eyes a chance to make their own tears. Luckily they do make there own unlike some people on this site. I would be interested in what is best to remove makeup, because right now I am using baby shampoo! I guess I didn't realize what it contained. That is why I read all the good tips. Anyway, I too quit using so many drops. It was really wierd at first, I felt that I needed to. I'm still noticing I need them at the end of the day, but not near as much.

