Finally zaditin p.f single dose eye drops are available in the u.k after hard work to get them licenced by the MHRA and then gain a import licence you can gain them on precription from your g.p, order them through boots chemist as time goes on other chemists will have them in stock through there wholesallers ...
They come in a box of 30 uni doses composition / ketotifen fumarate ( active ingredient ) glycerol (e422),sodium hydroxide(e524) and water for injection..
PRESERVATIVE FREE.... for the treatment of allergic conjuctivitis
please feel free to contact me for any further questions....
They come in a box of 30 uni doses composition / ketotifen fumarate ( active ingredient ) glycerol (e422),sodium hydroxide(e524) and water for injection..
PRESERVATIVE FREE.... for the treatment of allergic conjuctivitis
please feel free to contact me for any further questions....