My symptoms : dry eyes - evaporative dry eye, foreign body sensation, red eyes, irritared, itchy eyelids, eyes stuck together over night and strands of mucin.
I'm new to this sight and overwhelmed with the research I've had to do over the past 6 weeks. I've been to 5 eye doctors - each with different diagnosis/treatments. So far no luck. All 5 say allergies, 2 say MGD and blepharits and 3 say no mgd and blepahritis. they all agree that there is mucin and on eversion of my eyelids there are big follicles.
My optician states it cant be GPC because I wear daily disposables.
I've not worn contact lenses for 3 months and no improvement in symptoms. doing all the lid cleansing/hot compresses. now cold compresses because one doc said cold is better for inflammation he also said I had mgd?
did all the drops. Last eye doc I saw told me to stop everything for a month - its been 3 weeks - no improvement.
I think one possible cause is i used red eye drops - purely for cosmetic reasons - i wanted whiter whites, i didn't have redness or any irritation - I was watching a makeover programme and the make up artist recommended them and I was amazed by the difference. I used them everyday for 18 months - 12 months after that my dry eye symptoms started. I think this maybe the cause.
Anyway - i found this article. Please read - do my symptoms match those listed for chronic aller conjuctvits - it does not mention evaporative dry eye. I've not used red eye drops for two months - no improvement. It suggests FML steroid eye drops for patients with follicles - I'm scared - and maybe I developed an allergy to BAK in the drops.
Guys what do you think?? Is there hope for me - 24 weeks? I really want to use the FML - but how do I found out if I'm allergic to it?
I'm new to this sight and overwhelmed with the research I've had to do over the past 6 weeks. I've been to 5 eye doctors - each with different diagnosis/treatments. So far no luck. All 5 say allergies, 2 say MGD and blepharits and 3 say no mgd and blepahritis. they all agree that there is mucin and on eversion of my eyelids there are big follicles.
My optician states it cant be GPC because I wear daily disposables.
I've not worn contact lenses for 3 months and no improvement in symptoms. doing all the lid cleansing/hot compresses. now cold compresses because one doc said cold is better for inflammation he also said I had mgd?
did all the drops. Last eye doc I saw told me to stop everything for a month - its been 3 weeks - no improvement.
I think one possible cause is i used red eye drops - purely for cosmetic reasons - i wanted whiter whites, i didn't have redness or any irritation - I was watching a makeover programme and the make up artist recommended them and I was amazed by the difference. I used them everyday for 18 months - 12 months after that my dry eye symptoms started. I think this maybe the cause.
Anyway - i found this article. Please read - do my symptoms match those listed for chronic aller conjuctvits - it does not mention evaporative dry eye. I've not used red eye drops for two months - no improvement. It suggests FML steroid eye drops for patients with follicles - I'm scared - and maybe I developed an allergy to BAK in the drops.
Guys what do you think?? Is there hope for me - 24 weeks? I really want to use the FML - but how do I found out if I'm allergic to it?