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My dry eye life update

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  • My dry eye life update

    Hi to all!

    Its been a while since I've posted here, coming up on my 8 year LASIK anniversary in about a month, thought it appropriate to catch you all up.

    I'm still using Restasis twice a day, take fish oil capsules, 1200 mg twice a day. I now have two pair of glasses for driving and watching TV or anything at a distance say 12 feet or more? One is stronger than the other pair as I made one appointment for the morning and one for the evening (intentionally) ending up with conflicting prescriptions. My vision, in my opinion seems to have diminished over the years to a state where I wear glasses on a daily basis, readers for daily work on the computer and during the evening for driving etc. Floaters are still a nuisance and will continue to be, good options are not available. I agree with the suction ring theory causing the increase!

    I've made peace with the dry eyes since its an uncontrollable thing.

    I live my life day to day with a "situation normal" attitude. As I type this I cannot read the sign across the street that I could this morning when I came into work, thats ok, I know what it says.
    I have taken on new hobbies and rekindled some old ones two of which require my vision to be accute, shooting and photography. The glasses correct me enough to do both reasonably well, at least well enough for me to enjoy them.
    Not much more has improved than my attitude I guess. I've taken on new challenges in life that require my attention and feel a victory when I overcome them, one day at a time.

    Thanks for listening,

  • #2
    Hi Jeff,
    Always nice to have other Michiganders stopping by here. I think I remember you and maybe you had something to do with repairing vehicles?

    In any event, I'm glad you are doing "ok" and life is moving forward. I'm probably in about the same mindset you describe. I couldn't have said it as well. My vision sucks and I just bought 2 new pair of glasses. I have the old RX goggles still and a multitude of contact lens etc that do not help.

    About a year ago, my rheumatologist put me on a new med, Lyrica. After a few weeks, I noticed that the pain I'd had since my Lasik 10 years ago in my left eye had diminished. About 50% less and I'm thankful for that.
    Stay well, Lucy

    P.S. Your picture was not showing while I wrote my post. When I hit the post button, there you were. Still don't know if I have the right Jeff.
    Last edited by Lucy; 12-Apr-2010, 19:24. Reason: PS
    Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

    The Dry Eye Queen


    • #3
      Hiya Lucy!

      Yes you are correct, I AM that Jeff

      It was suggested to me that I may have occular rosacea, maybe some truth in that, time to find the wizard!
      I do know that when the weather changes (storms moving in) and the pressure changes outside as a result, I get more eye discomfort. Heres hoping for non-stop sunny weather in Michigan this year and the next and the next and the.............


