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Crisis mode here. What's happened?

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  • Crisis mode here. What's happened?

    I am currently trying to find what is working for me. I am using Restasis 2x a day for 4 months now and have lower plugs. Eyes are improving very little at a time. I use Fresh Kote daily and sometimes Systane Ultra. Today, I felt the need for FreshKote, so I applied it. I instantly felt like I had something in my eye. I kept looking in my eye, but saw nothing. My eyes are now red and inflamed. This happened to me once before when using FreshKote, but not to this severity. I tried to sleep it off like I was able to do last time, but there was no help. My eye hurts so bad that I cannot open it. I currently have it taped shut. My dr. is only in on Mondays and Wed and is 3 hours away. I am supposed to work tomorrow,but I don't think I can like this or I will have to tape my eye and wear a patch. Any suggestions?

  • #2
    Find someone else to see to get your eye checked out. Dr's office should have someone on call, or go to local ER if necessary. Saline rinses and cold may help in the meantime. Nasty reaction - hard to speculate how that happens only twice amongst many uses from the same bottle (I'm assuming it was the same bottle?). Sounds allergic though.
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation


    • #3
      I would also advice yout to go to another eye doctor ASAP. You might be having so much pain from corneal erosions, they might also be the reason why you react so badly to an eyedrop like Freshkote.

      When I had my erosions, I could not put in any artificial tears or even the mildest lubricating gels,or anything without excruciating pain. Sleeping it over did not help at all, and after some time there was no sleeping either coz pain was unbearable and sharp closed or open eyes.

      You should get your corneal surface checked as soon as possible.


