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what works for me

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  • what works for me

    I live in new york city, according to this forum, have the best doctor. But many of the treatments, I found it myself. My eyes are functional now, although my left eye bothers me more (more squinting, and pain), but my right eye almost feels normal.
    Here are some of the things I have done after trying so many different things and saw 4-5 very good doctors.
    a). Punctal plugs. One permanent. Two temporary (2-3 months) because they were allergic to the permanent. One was naturally plugged now (allergic reaction to the plug once put in.)
    b). See Fit megs.
    They are absolutely the best moist chamber I could find. (Introduced by Debra, the master of this site. I am very grateful.) I will definitely say that See Fit Megs is the single most helpful device I have (except Rastasis) and most doctors have no clue about it.
    However, because I am Asian, and my nose bridge is flatter than Europeans, the silicone shield rested on my face all the time which created allergic reaction. I then kept the lens and mount them on a glass frame with nosepads which created more distance between the glasses and my face. It is better. (For people who are European Americans, you will not have this problem because the nose shape.]
    c). If you have “tranquil eye” the goggle for sleeping, you can use the extra foam came with the gobble and put it around your glasses. That will create seal around your eyes. I find this sometimes even better than See Fit Megs (but of course, you can’t go out with this homemade thing.)
    d) Because the irritation in my left eye, I tried using very think contact lens “Johnson and Johnson, acuva” which serves like a bandaid on my eyes to avoid irritation. It makes my eye feel better immediately but the eye felt dry after 2-3 hours. So only for short time. (and should not wear over 8 hours, and not more than 4-5 days a week.)
    e) The tear drops that I use, which I have tried probably 10 different kinds, are Refresh Optive Sensitive and Refresh Plus (less thick); at night, I use Refresh PM (one of the only ones that do not have preservatives) or even a bit through out a day. You can go to their website to print out coupons.
    f) I recently saw a doctor at Columbia and the whole clinic promotes a supplement: Os2, the ocular support solution. It is $50/bottle!
    g) For eye pain, my doctor gave me Xibrom, at most 2/day, basically liquid aspirin.
    h) I also tried Lacrisert, tear gel put in the eye which last for a whole day. It creates blurred vision sometimes (because the substance). I don’t particularly like it.
    h) cold pad- I will say it is good but very temporary.
    i) the Tranquil eye goggle- I think using Refresh PM ointment probably have similar effects. The wet foam around my eyes created discomfort.

    One of my biggest problem is that I work very long hours and on computer all the time. I can’t help with that.

    Hope you all find this helpful.

  • #2

    I just thought that I would put in my two cents regarding NYC (and other cities). I live in another state, but visit NYC often. I find that the city really kills my eyes. I am outside all the time, there is grit in the air, wind hits you when you turn a corner, etc. I find that wrap around glasses are the key to walking around NYC regardless of the weather or temperature. Even with the glasses my eyes suffer more than when I am home, but the glasses really help.


    • #3
      For people who are near-sighted, I need the glasses with prescription so wrap around glasses are not working for me. For glasses, i will say Seefit MEG (mentioned in my previous posting), is no doubt the best. (My doctor called it "very pretty" and well designed.) Another interesting thing. my eyes have been feeling better in the past few days. the only thing that i did differently is that i've taken Os2, the ocular support solution. sold from a columbia univ. clinic. I am not sure if it is the reason but i can not think of any other ones. So i will continue to try.

