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Relapse of Symptoms after months of relief.

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  • Relapse of Symptoms after months of relief.

    I first got dry eyes last year. Using great advice I got here (because the doc I saw told me nothing) I got significant relief. (I started taking Sea Mussel for the Omega-3).

    I used my drops a.m. and p.m. but more for maintenance than need. I had completely stopped using the Unisol-4.

    About 2 weeks I had an epic relapse. From the minute I wake til I go to sleep my eyes are totally dry. The only change is that I moved in the beginning of December but I would think anything that was going to affect my eyes would have started after the move.

    I do have forced air heat but I only use it for 2 hours in the a.m. There are less allergens in here because there is only carpet in my bedroom.

    I have added more Omega-3, 2000 to 3000 per day and have ordered Flax seed to take. I am using Refresh Optive but it works for about 5 minutes got some Thera Tears coming and Unisol. Next I'll try the coconut water if this doesn't work.

    Are these relapses common? Any advice? I have not seen a doctor yet but if I cannot get a handle on this I'll go see Dr. Carver who is very close.

    Oh, and how long should I try to get relief on my own before I go see a doctor?
    Last edited by Mewkiss; 23-Jan-2012, 11:39.

  • #2
    I am sorry that you have had a relapse. It can be very disheartening when this happens following a period of well being. I find it very hard when this happens.
    You asked how common relapses are? It all depends on what is causing your dry eyes. It may help to change to a knowledgable opthomologist who is prepared to listen to your concerns and have a good look at your eyes. You may have an auto immune issue( I have) and that would need to be dealt with by a rheumatologist to really do extensive blood testing and if necessary to repeat them at intervals. Other than that you may be aware of allergens? Thyroid? Hormonal, the list goes on. Relapses are common in certain conditions but that is not to say that you cannot act to get it to a managable level.
    I think you should act now and book to see an eye doctor just to get the ball started, you clearly have an ongoing problem which needs to be evaluated.
    Good luck and hugs


    • #3
      Hi Lulu,

      Thanks for the reply. What may or may not complicate things is that I have Myalgic Encephalamyletis (aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). It totally messes up all body systems and a regular doc will have no idea how to interpret odd results or they think normal results don't mean much when in fact for us they mean alot. But also because of my illness I'm really on top of my body and how it works and nothing else is off kilter so....

      I live very close to Dr. Carver but getting there is a challenge since I'm mostly housebound. I'll have to figure out. Also the cost.

      When this first happened I was able to get a handle on it on my own and really got things under control.

      I meant to ask if stress can cause problems because I'm pretty stressed out now.

      I'll contact Dr. Carver in a week or two if I don't start seeing some results once I had a few things to my regimen.

      This stinks.

