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guess who's back.. back again..

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  • guess who's back.. back again..

    hi guys,

    how are you all? it's been like what? 6 months? or more.. meh i lost count.

    anyway i just wanted to say i don't want you to think i've forgotten about you, and i appreciate the fact that you haven't forgotten about me either. i haven't been posting in so long because of some personal issues which i won't delve into right now, so no miracle cure from me unfortunately!

    anyway here's a story i'd like to share with you all;

    this morning I was talking to a local drug dealer, i was bored, he was bored. so then we got to talking and he was telling me about his life. he was telling me that he came from a rich family, used to fly to egypt at least once a year every year, had a real estate company and several businesses, his wife was well off with her own law firm and everything, his whole family was good, he even had a child (she's 6 now). i mean damn, he was buying designer clothes, paid for his 60 grand BMW up front in cash, just crazy.

    but he told me that was then, cuz at one point of his life because he was on top of the game he went out one night with three girls (he didn't refer to them that nicely though ) and he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. he got caught up and "experimented" with illegal substances, long story short (this was about an hour long convo ) he got addicted and his whole life turned to ****. his wife left him, his family refuses to accept him as family, he hasn't seen his kid in years, he's been in and out of jail, etc...

    right now, he wears the same clothes day in day out, he stinks, he barely has enough to survive, just nuts, he lost about 50 pounds since his "prime". he's 39 and it's just bad man, he was telling me about how he wishes he could turn things around now but he says at this point he just doesn't have the means to achieve that no more. he's smart as hell but I'm thinking he's right, at this piont it may just be too late for him. he told me about his brother, how his brother would tell his son that uncle's life was ruined by drugs and that he should never take that road. so he told me, if in some way he helped his nephew at his own expense then he could live with himself.

    he's peaceful though, even though he was tearing up, he was telling me don't fall for the traps in this life, stick to the right plans and never take those side roads even if they look interesting.

    it's crazy, it was just such an inspirational talk i had to share it.
    oh and at one point he got side tracked and told me to remember this quote from Ghandi: "an eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind".

    you're still all in my prayers, take care,


  • #2
    Welcome back Homes

    Hey its Delilah from Idaho, don't know if you remember me, Im the one with the stringy mucus in my eyes all the time, been on Restasis for about 4 months now, not much change. Anyway that was a really good story, that is just horrible how he was rich then poor and his life turned to hell. How are you doing? I just had to say Hello and I hope that your eyes heal sometime as well. Ciao for now D


    • #3
      It is never too late to start over. It just takes commitment and dedication. One step at a time and prayer.


      • #4
        Welcome back Homes! (or do I mean , giggle)

        What a touching story.
        It is never too late to start over.... One step at a time and prayer.
        My feelings too. Bet his nephew and daughter would benefit more from seeing a character transformation than from a living warning against drugs.
        Rebecca Petris
        The Dry Eye Foundation


        • #5
          I agree except for the prayer thing...

's never too late to start over, but it takes reason not prayer. If your god really was in control things wouldn't get "messed up" to begin with. Religion is the opium of the masses. Have a nice day.


          • #6
            Hey there, Homes.

            It's GREAT to see you back again. I appreciated the story. It's interesting that I've been feeling really blue the last few days and along comes Homes out of the blue with a throught-provoking story. I'm sick with a cold so my eyes are really weepy and burning...I get pretty depressed when going through tough bouts. Also, I'm battling a slight infection (probably due to blood serum drops) that's causing some additional itching and discomfort.

            When I'm feeling blue, I often regret that I cannot "go back" to the way I was before LASIK. I guess that's why your friend's story touched me. But, relative to other ways in which I might have destroyed my life, I guess my condition is only minor. I've certainly not screwed up my life; I've just made it more challenging. And I've learned a lot from it, for what it's worth.

            I wish your friend luck in salvaging from his life whatever he can. Perhaps it really isn't too late to make good on the long life he likely has ahead of him. (39 is young dammit!)

            Can I ask, Homes, in what way were you inspired by his story?

            Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


            • #7

              Hey, Homes!
              Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

              The Dry Eye Queen

