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Is This It?

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  • Is This It?

    Wondering if I will get any better, or if this is it. There has been improvement since last June, but I am still far from being in good shape. Still have mucous and that uncomfortable buildup that happens during the course of the day. Would love to hear from someone who will say "I am so much better, but it took a couple of years!" Sounds crazy, but if someone would tell me I would feel much better in FOUR years, I'd love to hear it. Not sure what to do next.

  • #2
    Well, I was at my worst about 3.5 years ago... found a new dr. several months later (who I've been seeing to this day - he's great!), and have been steadily improving, bit by bit, up until now. There are times when my improvements have plateau'd for a while... then we try something new, and squeak out a bit more improvement. Bit by bit...

    Granted, there are only so many things out there that are worth trying... but still... I'll take what I can get for now. And if I run out of things to try, then maybe something new and better will come along in a few years, right? You never know...

    So hang in there!!!


    • #3
      Thanks SAAG. That feels good, and it helps. A friend told me it takes a couple of years. I've had this for two years, but didn't take all of those compresses and expression sessions seriously until last summer. Just worn out from it all. Thanks again for your kind words. They are appreciated.


      • #4
        Hi there. I had (have) dry eye for years. 2006 through 2008 it was pretty bad. 2009, 2010 better but still not great. 2011, 2012 still sometimes dry but, damn, so much better - I tried almost everything the first 4 years but eventually tried leaving them alone. I don't know your cause of dry eye but mine was spontaneous with no obvious cause. Point being - whatever imbalance I had with my tear film took a long time to correct so it is not a lifetime condition. I am sure I will still have dry eye problems in the future but it is no longer a permanent condition.

        Occupation - Optimistologist


        • #5
          Bless you Bruce, bless you. Thank you for responding. Really happy to hear you are doing well!


          • #6
            hang in there

            I know exactly how you feel. It's frustrating being around people who complain when they're sick for one day, whereas you just want to be able to HOPE that one day you might be better.

            I'm 2.5 years in. I've been doing IPL for the last year and a half, and at least for me it has worked, I'm almost back to normal... most likely by the end of the year. Originally I couldn't be around doors because the air movement from opening doors would make me puke. Now I just have some foreign body eyes feel a little dusty, so I'm not quite there. And having ANY eye pain is very hard in itself. even if it's 5% of the worst. But hang in there...can't say you'll get better, but there's definitely hope you can


            • #7
              I'm one of those people who is dramatically better this year. There is hope! I've had sensitive, slightly dry eyes since childhood with more severe eye problems since around 1996 and followed by an ophthalmologist since then. 2010 and early 2011 were the worst and I was losing hope, feeling desperate, almost suicidal.

              For me the key was in tracking down the underlying disorder that was causing the dry, severely painful eyes (& inner lids). It was very difficult and there were many specialist consults and tests that led to no improvement for several months. My GP (and this group) were helpful in making suggestions about what specialists to see. I saw a rheumatologist, neurologist, geneticist, allergist and dermatologist. Most of those doctors were helpful in some way, and it was the last one (dermatologist) that figured out I have actual skin allergies to some preservatives that I needed to avoid. The geneticist had ideas about what causes the chemical sensitivities and my other symptoms. The neurologist now treats another condition I have. And the allergist is who suggested I get skin allergy testing from a dermatologist. The ophthalmologists were not helpful in suggesting what doctors to see. But all that investigation was worth it for the improvement I have now.

              Hang in there. The future may be much brighter for you.


              • #8
                Michael, thank you very much for your understanding and support. I had IPL last year, the final treatment in October. It helped, but there is quite a distance yet to go. I am happy to hear it is working for you, and interested to know that it took more than the first set of treatments to help you feel better. I am planning on returning for another in October. It's worth the trip just to see a really terrific doc, and have him squeeze my eyelids! Really happy for you and hope you continue to improve.

                Mary, thank you too! Yes, I suspect the allergist is next on the list. Have done the rheumatologist, a dermatologist, a genetic profile, and an exhaustive set of blood panels. Happy for your improvement, and thank you so much for your helpful words of encouragement. Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. It is wonderful hearing from people who feel much better!


                • #9
                  How many IPL treatments have you had in the last year and a half?

