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Difficulty navigating

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  • Difficulty navigating

    Hi dez

    i don't know why but can't seem to post or navigate some of the dry eyes website? I had tried to up lift a web photo for my profile, but it seems to be jammed or possibly frozen.

    I'm trying to find posts to help me cope with the blurring and burning sensation, as that's why i joined dry eyes zone.. I'm waiting to see an eye dr late this month to see if i have sjogren's syndrome.. My eyes are a mess and i'm really needing support to find ways to cope with this awful feeling..

    Could you possibly return to this message please dez and hopefully help me to find a way of coping please..?

    Thanks heaps for your support, mike

  • #2
    Mike it's probably best to post in the Open Forums if you are looking for help and advice as it is more likely to be seen there. I've sent you a private message to read it go to the top of the page and click on notifications.


    • #3
      Hi Mike,

      Sorry I didn't see this sooner - have not been online much in the past week. I see your profile picture - were you wanting it to be used as an avatar (i.e. to appear on your posts) as well? If so let me know and I'll fix it. I see several posts from you so I gather you're getting the hang of navigating? If no just let me know what specifically I can help with and I'll be happy to.
      Rebecca Petris
      The Dry Eye Foundation

