I passed my six month mark July 21 and I am still on this forum, so that should tell you something. I found an ophthalmologist in Dallas that does not perform the dreaded surgery. I saw him last week. He listened attentively to my case history and then proceded to perform tests. He said my corneas looked good, no dry spots. He did a shirmer test unanesthetized with eyes open and scored a five in left and 6 in right. I am double plugged in left and was only lower plugged in right eye at the time. I don't know why but those scores really depressed me. If I could be depressed anymore so. I have been in that dark place for a long time. This new MD said I also have moderate MGD and prescribed doxy. Does this stuff even work? He also recommended warm compresses 2x per day. So I started all this hoping it would help. Then I go back to my LASIK clinic. I don't know why I went to the appointment. I told myself I was not going back. The ODs there look at my eyes and perform a TBUT which I score a 7, again depressing. But this is the first time I actually saw my LASIK surgeon. He looked at my eyes and said he did not think I had MGD or blepharistis. I don't know what to think now. He said I could continue with the doxy. Basically, I felt like he did not understand the pain that is assocaciated with this. He said he has dry eyes too. I told him I have to return to work in August and this is the environment that kills my eyes. He just said I have to do what makes me comfortable. Well that would be to not have to go to work, which is not an option. I had a breakdown two weeks ago and had to check into an outpatient psych clinic. I have to take meds that can cause dryness, but I need the meds. This post is probably very random. I just sometimes need to vent even if no one responds, I know whoever reads this will understand. Thanks for listening.
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So I went back to the LASIK center again....
Yeah, my LASIK doc was not terribly useful either...
What helped me the most is this forum (great for venting and at least feeling like I'm not the only freak in the world with this problem), the DEWS report ( http://www.tearfilm.org/dewsreport/p...DEWS-noAds.pdf ) since it gives a great overview of everything you could possibly want to know about dry eye that is mainstream accepted (this report is referenced in the major treatment guidelines that are in the major journals), and my new doc (well, new as in 2009) who has been very understanding and doesn't dismiss me as if what I'm going through is no big deal.
Also, for what it's worth, remember that it is highly unlikely that you will feel this way forever. I don't know how old you are, but for me, I'm in my 30's and the way I see it is there is no freaking way I'm going to do myself in over this since I'll very likely find myself in a manageable state eventually - so why give up DECADES of a perfectly good life just because of a rough patch? Even if the rough patch lasts months or a year or two (unlikely, but what if)... it's worth it to endure it so you get to enjoy the oodles of good DECADES you have ahead of you.
And, my worst stage lasted less than a year - that was where I felt horribly depressed over this - couldn't watch TV, couldn't read, was waking up every 2-3 hours overnight to unstick my eyeballs from my eyelids, couldn't work more than 4 hours at a time and NEVER 2 days in a row, my main entertainment was audiobooks... yeah... that was tough. But now, I watch TV, read a bit, use the computer, work as much as I need to (yes, I still have to be careful), but at least things are doable. I'm far from normal, but I'm happy anyways - you'll get here too... just wait and see.
Hang in there!
Sorry... I'm totally rushing this because I'm cooking supper as I write thisbut trust me, you'll claw your way out of this state of affairs as long as you don't quit!!!!
I know all about the multiple opinions, I've been told my dry eye has been caused by three different things by three different LASIK surgeons from my clinic! I went and saw two independent dry eye specialists who both said MGD which was what I suspected and that's what I'm going with.
My LASIK surgeon also told me he suffered with dry eyes but it didn't effect his life! I think that's one of the stock answers LASIK surgeons give to make them sound like they understand.
I believe you won't get an unbiased opinion from anyone at your LASIK clinic so it might be best to cut off contact with them if you feel they are unable to help you. It sure is an emotional journey, hang in there and you'll get through this. my eyes were in a right state at the 6 month stage coming up to 1 year now and while still a long way from perfect they have improved quite a lot.
Jaxit, I totally feel your pain. Is the doctor you saw affiliated with the doctor i have been seeing? jw
SAAG, I know it wasnt directed towards me, but what you are saying made me feel a bit better and gave me a bit of hope.
I feel like I am at my worst but I also feel like It won't get better and that I will be dealing with this and feelng like this for the rest of my life. I am only 22 years old and I feel like I am being robbed of my future :/
Hi Bianca:
Regarding the Doxy - I think it will work. I started Oracea (which is similar to Doxy) and was told it could take up to 4 weeks to work. I think that it has been beneficial in my eyes doing a bit better. Also, please do not put too much stock into those tests. When I met with Dr. L., he said he doesn't use any of those tests because there are so many variables and they are not accurate. Trust me, I have had periods when I am feeling better and my TBUT looks worse than a prior timeframe when I was doing worse.
Jax... I have been off the boards for a long time. I know exactly what you mean on all levels. I, as well, have been really struggling with depression because of this big mess - and I was committed "inpatient" for 4 nights and 5 days - so I know where your coming from. I am now in a 4 week long outpatient program - hoping it will help.
Anyway - on the eye side I have seen several really good doctors in Boston. I have now been diagnosed by three different doctors with post lasik corneal neuralgia... it's been 11 months for me and none of the nerves in either of my eyes have regenerated. I had a special test performed on my eye (called a confocal) which is basically a microscope that magnifies the eye 800 times and they can SEE the nerves. Your situation, like a few others, sounds so much like my situation. Doctors look at your eye and tell you the cornea is and eye is healthy - but they simply have no idea to what degree the nerves have regenerated, as they are all severed in LASIK.
There is some good news... Serum tears is a catalyst to the regeneration of nerves in the cornea. And the doctor I met with, who is an instructor at Harvard, told me sooner is better. So for me, I now have a baseline ... I have little to no nerves. In 3-6 months 80% of patients (this is a study this doctor did) had 50% of there nerves regenerate - and those people were able to lead a normal life. I am going back in 2 months to have pictures taken again with the confocul so the doctors can monitor any progress.
I am not suggesting you head to Boston from Texas... for me it's a 3 hour trip. But perhaps you can look for a doctor in your area with the same machine. I can give you the name of the doctor and the phone number if you want - maybe they have a reference for a doctor in your area.
Just for some mental relief. After my lasik my eyes were dry for 10 months. So hang in there and still give in some time. I also have a friend who was really dry for a year and is now fine. Try and keep your anxiety down, it does not help. I know it is easy to say but it will make a difference..