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tiny bubble on my eyeball?!

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  • tiny bubble on my eyeball?!

    I just noticed that I have what seems to be a tiny bubble on my left eyeball. on the side that is closest to nose. is this cause for alarm?! I never noticed it before but I just noticed it, so u don't know how long its been there.....I'm worried, is this why that part of they eye is constantly irritated?

  • #2
    Is it yellowish? If so, could be a pinguecula. They tend to grow more commonly on the side closest to your nose. Pretty harmless, if that's what it is.


    • #3
      No it's actually clear, maybe even white, when my eyes are irriatated it shows up as a white tiny blob. I didn't notice it actually had dimension till today though.


      • #4
        I have that...was told its like a callous forming from your eye lid rubbing against your eyeball.... Isnt pretty , but harmless


        • #5
          I actually saw a cornea specialist today (last night was bad, i was having problems with my left eye, really thought i was having retina detachment; but thankfully it wasnt, dry eye related probably), he pretty much told me it was either fluid, or excess sclera "skin" (thats the only thing i can think of how to call it haha) and that it is harmless. I may ask my main cornea speacialist thursday about it though and see if he says the same thing.


          • #6
            I had something that sounds similar. It was like a water blister on the white of the eye, and clear. It went away. Hope yours does too!


            • #7
              Had it too, on my right eye which gives me pain. It went away, sometimes it comes back. I think it's harmless.

