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I worry...

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  • I worry...

    I worry so much about all the new folks here who are just starting out with dry eyes. I have been at this for about 16 years now and I remember all too well going to very highly regarded opthamologist and him not doing one thing to help my problem. This particular doc just told me to keep using the ointment.

    When I finally found a doctor that cared and was willing to put the TIME in to help figure out what exactly was wrong I finally got some comfort.

    It worries me that the docs you are seeing just can't be bothered with DES. It's such a tedious thing to try different options and it is such a COMPLICATED condition that I'm not sure doctors are really up to speed on HOW to diagnosis it. These doctors have to evaluate the function of all three layers of tears. Turns out that my problem is with both the watery layer and the oily layer. The mucin layer actually overworks itself trying to compensate for the other two layers not working properly.

    Thanks to this first highly regarded doctor who told me to keep using the ointment, my meibomian glands were almost scarred shut when I first saw the doctor who finally helped me. It was the worst thing I could have been doing! Because those glands were all plugged up from the ointment and from my general dry eye condition, I had a zero oily layer of tears and all the tears I was making were immediately evaporating. It wasn't until I got rid of the ointment and started doing lid scrubs that those glands began to secrete oil enough to protect my tears from evaporating. That process took a lot of time! It took a few years before the secretion from the glands worked properly and were thin enough. My doctor used to expel the oil out of the glands at my visits and she said they looked like little FORMED mushroom caps of oil. After about a year or two, my secretions were much thinner and working really well. What would have happened if I had stayed with that "highly regarded" doctor who didn't give a damn about DES?

    AND that was just one of the problems I had. I went thru many trial and error plugs and never got any relief until I got all 4 ducts plugged. Since that time almost 12 years ago my eyes are comfortable. Sometimes I do have overflow but that is rare. I do feel a good amount of tears in my eyes most of the time and I'm comfortable. I don't even need any artificial tears. I've been doing lid scrubs several times for the last 16 years to get the mucin layer build up off the lashes...this allows the all important oily meibomian glands to work properly, coating the few precious tears that I DO make and preventing them from evaporating.

    This is very complicated stuff that requires a doctor who will TAKE THE TIME to sort it all out with you. I worry so much about people who are struggling so much with a quack doctor like the first one I went to that didn't even examined the meibomian glands!

    I really hope you all seek the very best doctors who will take the time with you to get to the bottom of the dry eye problems. I was lucky and was able to get away from the one doctor before he ruined my eyes for good. My current doctor said it could have been a disaster because those glands were in such poor condition, they were just about SCARRED SHUT when I had my first visit with her.

    Just food for thought. Have your doctors make sure your meibomian glands are working! If you are not getting better, TRY a different doctor!!!!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Jade9923
    Just food for thought. Have your doctors make sure your meibomian glands are working! If you are not getting better, TRY a different doctor!!!!
    I agree with this advice wholeheartedly (though I'd also be tempted to add a few things about how to find another doctor and how to give him/her a hand). Doctors who are stuck in the "dry eye = underproducing lacrimal glands, period" mentality are NOT an asset to the chronic dry eye patient. Period.

    As for the perpetual ointment treatment: Guess what Google search most frequently brings people to this website? LACRILUBE.
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation


    • #3
      Can you please tell us the name of the ointment you were using that caused you harm? I was told by the optometrst to not use heat on my eyes because it would aggravate the GPC. I have seen 6 opthamologists too. My pain is finally manageable 2 months (not sure from what, maybe all 4 plugs) into this but my vision is blurred over a week and a half and I need help with a alot of things becasue of it. I am going crazy not knowing what is causing the blurred vision. Restasis can cause blurriness per insert and what i read online. The steroid drops I have been taking over a month now can cause blurriness, cataracts and glacoma (but the glaucoma i guess they test when i go there) the GPC could cause it too i guess but one would think it is improved a little at least and therefore less blurriness but no, blurriness remains, it all began after in got plugs but is it coincidental? One doc thinks it is my cornea being irritatated causing this but i dont wantn to think that because that implies my vision may not get better ever or not for sometime and i cant function. Another doc thinks my corneas are notn bad at all too. the blurriness goes on ALL the time 24/7 and does not improve when i blink. In fact, i think perhaps when i blink it may get worse. Hard to tell. I posted about this already but dont think there were replies. As I type this the words are so blurry and it is hard to type.


      • #4

        I was using the over the counter eye ointments, maybe a refresh brand.

        I'm sorry I don't know what GPC is so I can't comment the blury problem.



        • #5
          Blurry Vision 24/7 Help!

          I am glad you are better now Jade. I too use the refresh brand like they told me to but dont know if it is affecting me the way it did you so i am not sure if i should stop it or continue. I see the doc tomorrow and will ask him but again like you said, different docs do different things and it is hard to know who to trust. I automatically tend to trust the one with the best bedside manner and hope they are skilled too, which may or may not be the case. GPC is giant papillary conjunctivitis. Before that that they said I have keraconjunctivitis. I forgot to mention in my previous post that my right eye is blurrier than my left. If anyone has any ideas as to what could be causing this i would really appreciate the responses. This blurriness is causing me a lot of nausea.


          • #6
            There are many forms of allergic conjunctivitis with many different causes. Here is a link to a very comprehensive article defining all the different types of allergic conjunctivitis that may help you in your next doctor’s visit.


            • #7
              [QUOTE=Vicki In Oregon] blurriness remains, it all began after in got plugs but is it coincidental?

              When I had four plugs in I had constant blurriness the way you describe. The way I saw was kind of like swimming underwater. The moisture just pooled up in my eyes and it didn't help my symptoms. I must have something wrong with the mucin and/or oily layer. Anyway, I had to get the upper plugs removed. Maybe four plugs are causing what tears you have to just pool up in your eyes and cause the blurry vision.
              Cause of dry eyes: Meibomian Gland Dysfunction


              • #8
                THank you Scout and Green Eyes. Green Eyes, I had the bluriness even with just the 2 lowers. I did not get relief with just those, but then again I only gave it a few days before i went in and inisted on uppers because the pain was so intense. I worry about removing all of them because what if the plugs are what has helped with the pain...I will bring all this up to the doc tomorrow. Another thing i dont get is if we are getting pools of water in our eyes, and that is causing bluriness, then wouldnt that mean i should be pain symtom free because it shows the eyes are lubricated? Unless it is an issue with quality of tears which one of the docs said it was not yet also said my tears evaporate quickly!?!? Therefore how can they be quality? How can they just make sure we get as much tears as we normally once had without being too much or too little? I guess they cant. And i find that my bluriness is there even when the tears dont escape my eyes when they feel dry but i perhaps it is worse when i do get the tears coming down.


                • #9
                  Jade the doc I saw encouraged me to use the artificial tears and did not think they can cause the MB glands to plug up. He even laughed at that. I worry now who to trust. I am still blurry which really upsets me too.


                  • #10
                    The ointment wasn't Refresh Celluvisc was it?? Because that's what I use (I go through about 4 or 5 a night- i know, super expensive) and I don't want it to hurt me instead of help me.. please let me know.


                    • #11
                      relax please....

                      Amy09, Refresh Celluvisc is an artificial tear and not an ointment. Nothing packaged in unit dose or a bottle is an ointment. Ointment is pretty much exclusively used to describe petrolatum-based products I believe.

                      Vicki, I am not aware of any evidence, scientific or otherwise, that artificial tear products will "clog up" meibomian glands.
                      Rebecca Petris
                      The Dry Eye Foundation


                      • #12
                        Hi Jade9923

                        I am George, 35. I just got DES and directly plugged in lower eyelids a month ago.
                        I am using artificial tears every 2-3hr. Now it's worsening. How can I find a good doctor ? I live in WA state. The doctor you've mentioned was MD or OD?
                        What should I ask when getting an appointment ? I am disoriented....
                        Thank you very much.

                        Best Regards
                        Last edited by GeorgeT; 10-Oct-2006, 11:26.


                        • #13
                          so jade......ointment does have negative reaction...
                          hm....u have said in ur email dat depend upon my condition...but hey, i fink dat if ointment blocks ur meibomian will block mine too....but as i have mucus appearance...i must use it...its an ill for an ill....... without it people will see it..
                          but i fink i'll use it and counter its effect with massage, steaming and u fink it is posible it will work?
                          coz in mauritius where i live....pff there not really any supplement here nor any medication.... many pharmacist don't even know what is lid scrub...! or restasis or trankil eye is still a mystery here !!so i will use traditional method...hope it will counter ointment effect...
                          If I have to choose between being happy and sad, I''ll choose being happy....... and you?... so.... stop choosing being unhappy (yeah its hard but....)....stop depressing........ live!!!


                          • #14

                            hm...... i have check nearly over 10 pharmacies in Mauritius and pfff there isn't any eye gel...the only eyegel available is Lacrinorm..and this gel contains BAK!!!!!.....
                            No eye lid scrub either...they don't even kno wat this...
                            pffff im a bit discourage...bcoz i wanted to substitute my ointment for an eye gel...but this situation made me stick to ointment again...
                            ointment is being considered bad in the longrun but since it is helping me with my mucus appearance.... i must continue wit it tho..
                            but i think i must continue with steaming my face and shower "compress" and massage...... to lessen ointment negative reaction.... (any comment?)
                            ...but i have noticed that after steaming or shower righ eye became red....more roadmap appears... is this....dangerous?
                            If I have to choose between being happy and sad, I''ll choose being happy....... and you?... so.... stop choosing being unhappy (yeah its hard but....)....stop depressing........ live!!!


                            • #15
                              eye gel

                              Are you able to order it by mail order from the internet? I have found GenTeal Gel by searching on the web. When I was unable to get it in the States last year, my Sister in Australia was able to buy it in Australia and mail it to me.

                              Perhaps you can do this or find a relative somewhere who can mail it to you.


