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Correct me if I'm wrong

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  • Correct me if I'm wrong

    Look at the dryeyezone's page that relates certain diseases associated with dry eye, see any trends? Auto-immune disease. Especially for those with blepharitis/mgd, I would wager that you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (lupus, sjrogens, diabetes, etc.) or have symptoms, including eye tissue inflammation, that resembles auto-immune symptoms. I had the "C-reactive protein" test and my results were negative. However, I undoubtedly have autoimmune like symptoms. For instance, in recent years researches have found a strong correlation between auto-immune diseases and leaky gut syndrome and/or food intolerances. I have been on a paleo diet regimen for the past few months or so, and when I stray from the diet, sure enough 24-72 hours later I have symptoms to show for it: Joint pain, increased eye lid inflammation, gut pain, etc. Even when people with inflammatory conditions are tested for auto-immune conditions and the results are negative, I do not believe they are conclusive.

    This is an article I found that was pretty interesting. It discusses existing stem cell therapies for auto-immune diseases. All auto-immune diseases regardless of their names share very similar roots: inflammation. The symptoms in which your body experiences vary most likely because of genetic variation. Everyone's genes are unique and are expressed in unique ways. That being said, for those of us with blepharitis and mgd, couldn't this procedure technically work for us? Most ophthamologists would probably say such a procedure would be way over the top and unnecessary, but I don't know, if my own immune system is attacking the tissue surrounding my eyes, the clock is ticking (which isn't very cool considering I just turned 20).

  • #2
    I agree i just talked about this on another thread. I tested slightly postive for ANA auto immune test. I dont know what that means- i have to go and investigate it. I still have a suspicion i have sjorens. That test came back negative though. Lip biopsy if more accurate test for it.

    Also, ocular rosacea- is in its self 'auto immune'- whether thats caused by an underlying auto immune condition or not. Facial rosacea is auto immune.

    You say you are on the palo diet. What do you eat/not eat? So far, ive been on alot of strick diets and nothing has helped this eyelid inflammation.

    Where is your eyelid inflammation? Inner eyelids? Can you post a pic of where your eyelid inflammation?

    I have severe inner eyelid inflammation- and no drugs, steroids including makes any difference to it. When im sick it goes away and my eyes feel great- which makes sense with the autoimmue thing. Do you get this?
    I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


    • #3
      Sorry for the late response. I will post a picture a.s.a.p. I have eyelid inflammation on the inside of my eyelids, hence posterior blepharitis. I also have a fair amount of swelling which gives me noticeable bags under my eyes, especially at night. I also got tested for sjorens via a C Reactive Protein test and the results were negative. Almost everyone who has eye problems like ours is in search of their "subclinical" condition that is responsible, and unfortunately it has been a lot harder to determine mine than i had hoped. However, I do still suspect Ocular Rosacea.

      Unfortunately with the diet thing, it literally takes months--if not a year--before you might see a significant benefit. I felt benefits after about a month, but the diet is extremely difficult to maintain, especially when you are in college. I am almost positive my symptoms are autoimmune related, which is really demoralizing because how do you go about fighting something your own immune system is doing to you?

      I think me and you might have a lot of similarities in terms of our condition, so I would love to talk to you about it whenever.

