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Hot sore dry eyes

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  • Hot sore dry eyes

    Dumb question maybe but one of my worst symptoms is soreness in the area where my eyelashes grow from - i have lots of little white bumps - does anyone know what these might be and how to treat them - i dont have crusting as such - its not the glands but where the actual hairs grow from? My eyes also feel very hot - is this unusual?

    Any advice gratefully received

  • #2
    Hi Lizzy

    I thought I would reply to this thread as my eyes get "sore" too. I am unsure about the bumps you have. Have you asked your doctor what they may be from? Do they go away with warm compresses? My eyes have never felt hot either.. What is your diagnoses? Do you have MGD?


    • #3
      Hi Faith

      Dumb as it sounds im not sure i've actually had a definitive diagnosis. I had blep (that seems to have cleared up for the most part) and blocked glands for which i had Lipiflow treatment 4 weeks ago - the Lipiflow treatment has not made any difference unfortunately. Im convinced that all my problems are as the result of Lasik eye surgery 12 years ago. My eyes feel very hot and cold soothes them - not heat. They get sore and red where the eyelashes grow from, my left eye is much worse than my right and i also get a smeary film sensation. I am unable to look at a computer screen for very long. Over the years i have tried various eye drops, cleaning regimes and a heat mask - the heat mask actually seems to make my eyes worse for some reason! The last time i saw a Doc at the eye hospital and asked bout the little bumps he told me "they're nothing to get excited about" In my experience most Doctors are not sympathetic. I had plugs top and bottom but had to have the top ones removed as they didnt feel comfortable. I am considering cauterization as a permanent solution. It seem everyones problems are different and complex.

      Some days i feel like battering my head against a wall as it all seems never ending


      • #4
        Hi there..

        My eyelashes are sore at the root and my eyes feel hot all the time. I think it is part and parcel of blepharitis; I have both MGD and anterior bleph and highly sensitive eyes.

        I am interested to hear that Lipiflow hasn't helped you. I have spoken to the company (offering Lipiflow) several times and cannot get more than one client testimony.

        Has cautery been suggested as a possibility?


        • #5
          Hi Irish eyes, I have sent you a message

