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  • #16
    HI Bunny, sorry, my mis-type. By "wash", I meant I wash my face when I get up then I use a 1-tip to "wash" around the lashes and lids and it seems to help a little. I have a humidifier in my room at night as well and like you, not sure how much it's helping but it's there. I have tried the glad press and seal and it doesn't stay on for me. I tried using this with a mask and it actually irritated my lashes.

    My opto says the same. My tear film is poor but my corneas are okay. So that's good at least. Today I have a really scratchy feeling on my left eyelid that hurts when I blink ...

    Regarding the arrogance of my "specialist" - well, what can he say. He said he understands my position and agreed, let's just move forward. I told him I never want to be referred to her again and if he feels I need a specialist again, then I'm sure we can find someone else. He is quite knowledgeable about dry eye disease and has a genuine interest so I'm very lucky to have found him and told him so - so my main concern was that her behavior didn't jeopardize his and my patient / doctor relationship since I'm still fairly new to him. All's good that way, thank goodness! Apparently she doesn't have a very good reputation at the hospital, but still ... anyway, moving forward ...

    Regarding my computer work, it is hell to be on it 95% of the time for work but taking the advice of another member here I downloaded the "time-out" app for Windows and also the F.lux and it has helped. I also type with my eyes closed most of the time and print off just about everything so I read on paper and not on screen. It's very tiring but we have to do what we have to do. I have mostly bad days but some good, so I just keep trying.

    I'm so looking forward to the Christmas break. I will be off for two weeks. It will be so hard to come back to this. I'm thinking of finding something else that is either no computer work or much, much less computer work. Haven't fully decided yet. I've been here 15 years, so that's a tough call but my eyes are more important ...


    • #17
      Yeah, without that oil component, the tear film is just crap!! I had lipiflow about 2 years ago and for a few weeks felt pretty good. Then it just went away. In my wildest dreams, I never thought something like this could have the ability to compromise my life so much-
      15 years is a long time at one place, I'm hoping something will come that improves things for you so you don't have to make that decision.-Do give the dexa a try.
      Sorry the press and seal didn't work out- I'm not real happy with it either but just can't come up with anything else to keep those lids closed- Are you back to saran wrap then?


      • #18
        One more thing, Ericska, If you don't find the restasis to be helpful after a while maybe talk to opto about serum tears? It's a nuisance, requires a blood draw and is not covered by insurance but something to consider- wishing you well.


        • #19
          I'm curious how you keep the wrap on? I had to use a mask otherwise it wouldn't stay. The tape didn't hold because of the gel.

          I know what you mean about compromising our lives - it's incredible! I was starting my new life and then wammo in August - downhill from there ...

          I will start the dexa this weekend and I see my opto on the 12th ... Today is a particularly hellish day...


          • #20
            E- I'm not using saran wrap- just the press and seal which is somewhat sticky on its own-I put in ointment then fit a piece around the eye socket-it's far from perfect but helps to hold the lid down and keep some moisture on eye surface.. However, lately I'm pulling it off during the night-sigh! I wish I could come up with something that would stay in place
            What did you mean "starting your new life"- So sorry to read this-and that you've had a really bad day- I have them too, don't have to deal with work but I'm stuck at home a lot and it gets lonely and boring even with podcasts and audible. It's funny I was pretty much ok on my own as long as I could read-I always had something I was reading and listening to things just isn't the same
            Hoping you'll find the dexa works for you- the weekend is almost here and your 2 week break is coming too. hang on!
            Last edited by bunnyrabbit123; 03-Dec-2015, 17:01. Reason: forgot something


            • #21
              Thank you Bunny!

              By "new life" I mean that my parents and fiancee all passed away within the last couple of years so it's been rough. I cry a lot, which certainly doesn't help my eye situation ... I sold the house, moved into an apartment wanting to start fresh and then bang .. like you said, stuck at home, other than work, but work is hell because of the computer. I can't read like i used to either and it's awful. I don't do the audio anymore. Like you said, it's not the same. My social life has come to a halt because I'm just too embarrassed to be around anyone. Even at work, I keep my door closed most of the day so I've gone from super social to anti-social (unintentionally). I'm not feeling sorry for myself, just seriously embarrassed with the amount of breaks I need for my eyes, always having to excuse myself ...

              I'm trying to believe in the "magic" of Christmas, but not this year. But you are right, it is soon the weekend then very soon my two weeks .. counting down the days.

              I will let you know if I come up with some spectacular solution to keeping our lids shut .. I'm still experimenting. I too find that in the middle of the night I pull off whatever is on my eyes

              Do you live alone? I don't know how to private message but you can send me one if you know how.


              • #22
                Ha! silly me, I just see your message in my in-box .. whoops, see what happens when you can't see properly!!!


                • #23
                  Ericska- I'm dumbstruck to know all that you are dealing with- Is there anyone, one friend? A therapist? that you can lean on?This is too much to do on your own!
                  I don't live alone, but I do keep very much to myself. No one who doesn't have this problem can understand- My guilt is that I'm depriving someone else of a fuller life. I've told him many times that he needs to just do things on his own.
                  I'm hoping the weekend will give you some relief. Try the dexa over the next 2 days. Keeping everything crossed here that you'll find it helps- I'm thinking of you, sending whatever positive vibe this depressed old woman can muster in your direction-Take care of yourself, be kind to yourself.
                  Last edited by bunnyrabbit123; 04-Dec-2015, 16:40. Reason: having trouble posting-wanted to add something


                  • #24
                    Thanks Bunny, that is very kind. I know what you mean. Most of my friends don't get it so I just keep to myself too. I have two great friends so that has been helpful. Rebecca suggested telling these people to hold their eyes open for two minutes, dry out and then they'll know how we feel every day! hahaha .. I love that ...

                    I'm sure your significant other understands. And if he wants to do something on his own, he will ) But I understand what you are saying.

                    I will start the Dexa today .. little nervous but will try.

                    I've considered therapy but my insurance doesn't pay for it and I've tried it in the past with little success so I just talk with these two friends and the rest I'll just have to work out on my own over time. Like everyone, I have good days and bad and hopefully some day more good than bad

                    Thinking of you too. Thanks for talking with me. I will let you know about the dexa .....

                    Please don't be depressed - sending {{huggzz}} your way..


                    • #25
                      Rebecca's suggestion is wonderful! - Thanks for that.
                      I'm happy to know you have friends to rely on- As to therapy, I haven't been in a while myself, as the therapist in this neck of the woods who will accept medicare had been off on leave but here's something she kept trying to drum into my thick skull while I was going. "It's life on life's terms,"like it or not-
                      Hoping your weekend is going well- talk soon


                      • #26
                        Yes, I've heard "It's life on life's terms" like it or not. Well, I don't like it ...

                        I'm counting down the days for my break .. I would say I will sleep it away but that makes my eyes worse .. hahaha .. so I don't know but I do know I'll be staying away from the computer as much as possible!!


                        • #27
                          I Know,E. I don't like it much myself and have come to feel the same way about sleep. I'm someone who loved a good book and a good nap-how I miss these things. How'd he weekend go? Any luck with the Dexa? .


                          • #28
                            The weekend was okay. I tried the Dexa but haven't noticed anything and then my fridge/freezer broke down!!! Can you believe it?! So the other two bottled are no good now. I don't know how to tell the opto that. He'd probably give me another prescription, however my insurance doesn't cover it!!!

                            How was your weekend?

                            Isn't it something - the reading and the napping - who would ever have thought those things would be taken away from us or become such a chore ... someone said yesterday "life is a journey" and I said "I think I got lost!!"


                            • #29
                              Oh for Pete's sakeo!! Is fridge fixed now? When is your appt with opto?- I noticed in another post you mention using baby shampoo to cleanse lids- I'm thinking this may be too harsh and adding to your troubles. Have you asked opto about this? He/She may have some better ideas.
                              My weekend was as usual- quiet, but thanks for asking. I'm having a bit of stress due to some family issues right now and I find that makes my eyes worse-Do let me know what happens with your next appt.
                              My last session with the guy I see out here was annoying-He's given me the serum tears which I think are helping (not sure) and something I pay out of pocket for, but he's so full of himself. It's at a teaching hospital, so he's usually preceded into the room by the resident, then he generally has someone who's "following" him for the day-so I feel like it's 3 against 1 at times.
                              How come your insurance doesn't pay for the dexa?


                              • #30
                                Hi Bunny - yes, I spoke to the opto about the baby shampoo and he said do it every other day so that's what I'm doing. I did buy lid wipes from the pharmacy but haven't tried them yet. Today for the first time my eyes are a bit swollen. I hope it's not from that glad press and seal I'm using. I've tried it for over a week now and never had any issues so I really hope it's not that because it actually holds my eyes closed!!!

                                Sorry to read about your family issues. Yes, I too notice stress aggravates my eyes and so does this change in weather. By now we are usually buried under snow and we haven't had any yet so far this year and it's well above zero for temp which is highly unusual. I was waiting for the cold!

                                I saw the opto yesterday and told him about the dexa but that I had tried it and that I felt it dried my eyes out a little more. But I have good days and bad days so I told him I don't know if it was the dexa or just my good day / bad day thing. He said dexa could cause to feel dryer. I told him I would be willing to try it again but he didn't say I had to at this point. He increased my Omega 3 from 3 caps to 4 caps daily and I increased the Restasis to 3x daily from 2.

                                I know what you mean about the teaching hospitals. I work at one and I too find it annoying what I see the patients go through. I don't find the doctor spends enough time with the patients. My family doctor is the same and I told her I don't like it but I guess it's the way it is. Maybe tell your doctor you would like more on-on-one time with him. That's what i tell our patients to do if they want to discuss something with the doctor without having to tell their story two or three times. Some things a personal!

                                I've read about that serum tears - it's supposed to be pretty successful. How long have you been using that?

                                My insurance is funny that way. Sometimes when I submit a claim, they pay for parts and not other parts. I submitted a claim for just over $500 and they paid for $497 .. haha .. I have 85% coverage on most things and 100% coverage on other but it still comes out that way. For some of my prescriptions, they won't pay the extra fees the pharmacy charges, outside of the dispensing fees...

                                I wasn't going to go to the annual Christmas luncheon my boss holds and I explained to him that I'd be embarrassed about having to excuse myself every 20-30 minutes to treat my eyes and he understood but then three of my colleagues convinced me that I don't need to be embarrassed around them and one even offered to excuse himself with me so I don't feel so awkward. How could I say no to that!

                                For the ocular pain, my opto wants me to try hard contact lenses - which I am against. I told him that years ago when I tried contact lenses, they needed to be peeled off my eyes because of the dryness. He said these are similar to the sclera lenses and it's supposed to help with the pain. So I said to him, as long as the pain is not dangerous to my sight I'd rather live with that then go through the pain of contacts again and cause real damage. He told me to think about it so I agreed. He told me the dexa was supposed to help with the pain as well but not only my eyes felt dryer, my pressure increased a little so ...

                                Sorry for rambling. See what happens when I type with my eyes closed! I could go on forever!!

                                I hope your family issues are resolved soon and your stress too! Sending huggzz your way!

